In Which Life Got In The Way Of NaNo. Also Known As Laziness.

Nov 30, 2012 16:55

Congratulations to those who are finished with NaNoWriMo! I'm so proud of you all. ♥

I, as always, did not finish, but I wasn't really expecting that I would by the second or third week. I would open up my Wordpad documents and just sit there and *stare*. Or re-read to try and get into the right mindset and start writing again, only to edit typos instead. -_-;;; I could try and blame the lack of progress on my shoulder or being involved in social/Family Issues, but really, I just couldn't get into writing this year. -Sadface-

In other news, yesterday was Brother's birthday, so last night he, his parents, and I went out to this special showing of Star Trek at the movie theatre. Not any of the movies, actually; they played a couple commentaries and two episodes from the Star Trek: The Next Generation season two Blue-ray release. (WANT.) And whoa, does the restoration make a difference. I never realized just how bad the film quality was before. o.O

The episodes they played were "Q Who?" and "Measure of a Man". I was struck by several feelings: first of all, the memories of how much I adored this series as a kid. (And still do. ♥) Second, that the writing is actually worse than I remember. o.O There's an abruptness between the different scenes that doesn't flow very well. It's not *that* obvious, but I was a little surprised that I noticed it. And third, after watching Measure of a Man, I realized just how deep some of the issues of Star Trek could really get. I wanted to hurt people in that episode. And hug Riker LOTS. It also gave me Thoughts about Data's relationship with the rest of the crew, and I have a sudden craving to browse NextGen fics for ParentalPicard and SiblingCrew fics. Because Data is totally everyone's little brother. Except Wes, but that's kind of a given.

Then today was the last of my physical therapy appointments. All I really did was walk around in the regular pool with a couple of stretches, then do some more stetches in the hot tub, followed by an ultrasound and massage. Pretty much what I did Wednesday.

HOLY FUCK THIS WAS NOT LIKE WEDNESDAY. x.x My arm - my entire arm, for that matter - hasn't hurt this bad since I first injured it. I was actually blinking back tears a couple times during the ultrasound. All I can think is that something about the walking in the pool and trying to swing my arms *seriously* fucked something up, because OWOWOWOWOWOWOW.

I have no idea when or if I'm getting another appointment after this. I left a message for my worker's comp person, letting her know that I've done my two weeks of PT, and while my mobility has increased (which it has, drastically), my pain is not only *not* going away, but in fact at the moment is worse than it had been. And that even my therapist's assistant - the guy who worked with me the last two days - said that the physical therapy isn't working. So I asked what happens now: if I need more physical therapy, a specialist, another trip to the clinic, or what. I left my phone number, but she hasn't called back yet, so we'll see what happens now.

The only other thing I've been doing for the past couple days is reading. I'm kind of on a Young Justice kick, specifically anything with Dick Grayson and DaddyBats, or BatFamily fluff. Which is made even more interesting by the fact that I've only seen most of Teen Titans, but none of Young Justice. I haven't even read the comics. ^.^;; My current favorite story is Daddy, Not Bats, an AU by an author I adore where Bruce Wayne chose to quit being Batman after he adopted Dick Grayson, deciding that he could either be a great vigilante, or a great father. It still has the Justice League, but this 'verse centers more around the issues that come with being Bruce Wayne or his children. (He does adopt Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, and Tim Drake in this. And more recently Damien Wayne.) The current arch has me visibly flailing. SO MUCH ANGST AND BAD THINGS. ;_; But it's so good I can't stop reading. c.c;;; I'm about to go look for more BatFamily fluff to try and cheer myself up again.

... Crap, she updated. Well, there goes that plan.

young justice, nanowrimo, work, star trek

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