The Month of Doom 2012

Nov 26, 2012 10:26

I hate November. Have I mentioned that recently?

To be fair, this is actually the best November I've had in a long time. So much so that it's surprised me. Most of my Reasons are all ... -Handwaving- internal things. Brooding. Memories. Whatnot. It's what leads to me not being around much recently.

My NaNo is ... not *dead* exactly, because the story is too dear to me to ever give up on completely. But I haven't been working on it since like, election day. I think I did some spontaneous writing last week? And then for a couple days I found myself working on a future AU of Alan Tracy and the Boy-Who-Lived. (ATatBWL's Harry in cannon-verse. So far he's insulted Ron and Hermione, gotten in Snape's face, and freaked out over the idea of being the BWL.) Whatever; there was writing. I honestly didn't expect to win this year, because I never do. I just write because I love writing, and being part of NaNoWriMo gives me the chance to see other people who love writing. And get freebies! *_*

Instead of writing, I've been socializing. (Surprisingly. o.O) I spent my birthday at Brother's family's cabin for the morning/early afternoon, where we watched A Muppet Christmas Carol and played video games, and then headed back just in time for dinner and turtle pie with his parents. Brother gave me Jeffrey on DVD (One of my favorite movies! ♥) and a celtic three-horse knot pendant I'd wanted. (It's HUGE. Like, *way* bigger than I was expecting. x.x) And Brother's parents gave me fuzzy rainbow toe socks! \0/

Thanksgiving was lovely too; Brother's mom woke up with a sore arm the day before, so she, Brother's dad, and I all worked together to make dinner. Brother's younger brother and his wife came, and there was lots of flirting and teasing and chatting, and it was nice. Brother's dad has become comfortable enough around me to tease me, which is a new development but loads of fun. ^_^ (He teasingly offered me the plate of turkey and ham at dinner, knowing I'm a vegetarian, and I made a face and rolled my eyes. Brother's younger brother tried to offer it to me later too, but he was doing it because he was passing around plates and forgot for a moment, so I laughed at him.)

It's been nice, just ... being around people. Which isn't how I usually am this time of year, but I can't say I regret it. Brother's family is wonderful.

That isn't to say that there hasn't been plenty of Family Drama. But most of it involves people I've never met, and will not ever meet if anyone wants them unharmed. (I'm protective of people I like, and people who my Heart Family care about; so sue me.) For now, everyone's dealing with the issues the best they can, and just being there for each other. Which is one of the reasons I adore Brother's family so much, really. ♥

In other news, I FINALLY got my physical therapy for my shoulder strain approved! \0/ My physical therapist is really nice, and reminds me of my sister, which amuses me highly. *Unfortunately*, I've been told I only get two weeks of therapy, and if we can't fix the problem by then, I have to see a specialist instead. And so far, it's not getting better. >.< As my therapist explained it to me, the muscles around my collarbone and in my right shoulder blade are so knotted up they're pinching nerves, and we cannot get them to relax. She even tried a massage last time, and OW. I go back on Wednesday to try using the pool and see if that will help at all. I guess we'll see what happens.

Brother's mom and I ended up using my last appointment as an excuse to go Black Friday shopping. She hadn't been planning on going, but we had to go into town anyway, so we figured why not? I'd never been before, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I've heard. (Probably because of the locale, honestly.) But then, we didn't go to any of the Doorbuster sales either, so. ^.^;; The worst place we went to was actually Jo-Ann's, which kind of threw me. There was a good twenty-foot line for fabric cutting, to the point that they were calling numbers. o.O But! I managed to get all my shopping done by the end of the day. ^_^ I'm completely broke now, but whatever.

It's been a busy couple of weeks, but in a good way. Busy means I can't think as much. And Thinking is Bad.

Today I'm browsing DeviantArt and doing laundry. I plan to stare at my Wordpad file for awhile in hopes of doing some writing, but we'll see. Beyond that? Meh. It's a laid-back day.

randomness, holidays, nanowrimo, work, heart family

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