Feeling Introspective

May 21, 2012 13:35

Some things I said to someone recently that have been on my mind today:

Breathing is a start.

Everyone's afraid.

I've come to realize lately that people who aren't honest about what they think or feel or what they're doing actually annoy me. Which is kind of hypocritical, I suppose.

We can all be hurt. It's how we deal with it that really matters.

Love is never wrong.

Love hurts because it means something. Life without emotion is meaningless, because you're not *living*.
Life is meant to be experienced in all ways: good *and* bad.
You can't enjoy the blessings you're given if you haven't had the suffering of being without them to recognize why they matter in the first place.

You can't change how you feel about someone. Life doesn't work that way. The feelings may be altered over time, but you can't just shut them on and off. If you could, they wouldn't matter.

You should never have to change who you are for someone else. A relationship can't work that way.

randomness, sunshine thoughts

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