Dec 29, 2011 08:46

Remember in starandrea's First Saga how Ashley found a pair of gray kittens? They looked alike and were very sweet and sleepy, and the Rangers ended up keeping them? Karma and Katana, if I remember correctly.

With all love, admiration, and respect for Stars and her AWESOME story, this is a LIE.

This is Zad*.

Zad was my roommate's Christmas present to herself. He is curious, sweet, and has a tendency to cuddle with my feet. I think it's because he's about the same size. His favorite toys are a red ribbon and a pile of wrapping paper, although he likes string-like toys in general. He's only six weeks old, and still small enough to be picked up in one hand and held against your shoulder, which conveniently seems to be his favorite way to be held. He was born on Halloween, which Shi-chan and I both happen to find rather awesome. ^_^

One of her co-workers made an announcement that his cat was having kittens, and he had two to give away. If no one wanted them, he'd have to give them to the pound. Only one person spoke up, so Shi-chan offered to take the other one.

He came home from work with her last Wednesday night. The next two days were spent spoiling him rotten, attempting to get him used to his new home, and a few visits to Petco and Petsmart to find new toys and things. By the first night, Shi-chan declared herself to be smitten by the new baby. ♥

Now *this*, is Sky. (Sadly no, he was not named for Sky Tate. Both kittens were named by Shi-chan after characters in our role-playing game.)

On Sunday night - Christmas ironically, which has lead to many jokes about my family and our tendency to attract Christmas Kitties** - Shi-chan came home from work to cuddle and pet Zad, and told him she had a present for him. Which is when she pulled out his brother.

Sky is the kitten her other co-worker took home. Unfortunately, the cat they already had tried to kill him - literally. o.o It was at the point where he'd been shut into the bathroom in an effort to protect him, and the older cat was scratching at the door. So he brought Sky to work again and apologized to Shi-chan, explaining the problem and asking if she could take him in as well.

Sky is slightly more aggressive than his brother, and usually the one to instigate play-fighting/real fighting. He likes to hide in dark places - namely under the fridge, until it was blocked off - and be cuddled under your chin. One of his nicknames is 'PirateKitten'. He loves to sit on your shoulder and curl up, to the point that if you lean forward to try and get him down, he will walk around to lay on the back of your neck so he doesn't have to get down. He's also very quick to figure out how things work, and a good climber. His favorite toys are strings and things with bells, but he doesn't like to share. He also knows how to play tug-of-war: he actually gets one of the toys (which is now just a wand and a string with a bell on it, as he already pulled off the original toy on the end) and puts the bell in his mouth, then gets all four paws on the ground and pulls, growling fiercely as he tries to win. ♥

It hasn't been all snuggles and cuteness. (Well, there's still plenty of cuteness. ♥) Zad had three days to establish himself as the new 'man-of-the-house', with all of the attention of the humans on him. It wasn't very long, but he was just starting to settle in after the trauma of being separated from his mother and siblings, and he was starting to like it. Sky meanwhile, was recovering from his own trauma, and very much wanted to be held and cuddled by the humans so he'd know he was safe. He spent most of his first night here curled under my chin, jumping at every loud noise from outside. Unfortunately, Sky *also* seems to be trying to establish himself as the dominate cat of the household, chasing down his brother, hoarding food, waking him up from naps just to play-fight with him, ect. And the play-fights turn real very quickly. My thought is that Zad might have been the runt of the litter at their old house, and now Sky wants to be 'in charge' again while Zad's not ready to bow down, and/or Sky is trying to make himself the dominate cat so he never gets attacked again like he was at the other house. ... Which means Sky bullying his brother. -_-;;;

But it is getting a little better now that a few days have passed. They're settling in a bit more, and have gotten to the point of snuggling together while they nap. Sky will still growl if Zad tries to share the food bowl (there are three at this point, which makes it even more ridiculous -_-;;;), and he likes to wake his brother up with another fight whenever Zad's just settled down to sleep. But at the same time, they cuddle on the couch, sleep at my feet under the electric fleece throw Shi-chan gave me for my birthday (they have a thing for microfleece, apparently), and sometimes share toys. This morning Zad followed me into the bathroom when Sky wasn't paying attention, and Sky cried until he figured out how to play with his brother under the door. -Amused-

At the moment I'm making this post, Sky is actually curled up at my feet underneath my throw again. ♥ I have no idea where Zad went, but I think he's under the couch. They woke me up at sunrise, so they're very tired now. -Rolls eyes-

So, this past week has been an adventure for everyone. And tomorrow, the adventure continues: it's their first trip to the vet! They're getting their shots, a bath, and most importantly, THEIR NAILS CLIPPED. Hopefully this means Shi-chan and I will both stop looking like we came out of the wrong end of a fight with a razor blade. (KITTEN CLAWS ARE SHARP, YO.) And if we're *really* lucky, it will also make it less painful the next time one of them decides to use us as a human ladder***. I don't know how traumatizing this will be (We think Zad may be claustrophobic; he's fine in the carrier for about fifteen, twenty minutes, and then it's OMG LET ME OUT CRY CRY CRY.), but we'll see what happens.

-Crosses fingers-

And because I promised rosabelle more kitten pictures if she wrote me something with characters I know:

Sky is the slightly darker one on the left with his eyes half-closed. Zad is the slightly lighter one on the right staring straight at the camera. And yeah, it's damn hard to tell them apart outside of seeing them side by side or petting them in the dark. (Zad is a little softer and fuzzier, while Sky is sleeker and a bit thinner.) We tried collars, but they kept getting their lower jaws caught in them while trying to chew them off. -_-;;;



* Zad is short for Zadkiel, the angel of prayer and invocation. We've been getting a lot of 'His name is *what*?'. but we both like the name lots, and it fits him. Sky is short for Skylar, of course.
** Christmas Kitties! Okay, I come from a family line of animal lovers. We also have a tendency to *attract* animals: Clutter was found outside the Country Clutter store at an outlet mall while my mom and I were Christmas shopping, then the next year Misty was found at my mom's work and passed around until she got to us and bonded with me in less then twenty minutes. We also found Chibi-chan on out way to work and school two years later, but that wasn't at Christmas.
The *really* funny thing is that when I was telling my sister about Zad just before Sky came home, she told me how *she* had just found a month-old kitten at an intersection. Their local humane society would have put it down because they didn't think was old enough to survive, so she took it home instead. So it's Christmas Kitties times *three* this year! ♥
*** Yesterday morning I had woken up Sky so I could get out of bed. (They both like to sleep on my bed for some reason. I think it's because of the microfleece throw, and because it's the tallest thing in the room. Unfortunately it's also an air mattress. x.x) I was standing beside the bed with him looking up at me as I stretched, and all of a sudden he leapt straight up into the air and glomped my hip with all four sets of claws. Which was OWOWOW, for the record. He also likes to use us as a stepladder to get onto the back of the couch, but that's (usually) not too painful.
**** No, the irony of 'Andros' - my nickname - getting two silvery-gray kittens after arguing about whether Andros should get a kitten in Cataclysm has not escaped me.
***** NO THEY MAY NOT BE STOLEN BY ANYONES. -Glares at rosabelle

fanfiction, heart family, critters, phoenix family, pets, blood family, pictures, inspace

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