The Kitten Equation

Dec 23, 2011 06:34

So, through trial and error, I'm beginning to see the issues Andros would have with a kitten:

  • Kittens do not sit still. The only time they *do* sit still is when they're asleep, and it takes some serious Kitten Wrangling and lots of warm blankets to get to that point. In the meantime, they wander, they make noise, and they randomly hide/crawl under/crawl in places you don't want them to be.
  • Kittens like keyboards. A lot. (Or laptops, but I'm figuring the keyboards on the bridge of the Megaship would probably be of equal interest.)
  • A new kitten won't explore anywhere unless it's got company, because the New World is a very scary place, and one that requires backup before investigating. Y'know, just in case.
  • Kittens take up all your attention, or at the very least, the attention of the people around you. This could perhaps be problematic on a Ranger team.
  • No matter how many toys you buy a kitten, their favorite thing will ultimately be a string or a plastic bag. And in the case of blankets, they'll take over yours. This is both adorably obnoxious and a waste of resources.

In summary: Andros + Kitten = NERVES SHOT TO HELL.

randomness, fanfiction, inspace, critters

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