Now *there's* an image I can't get out of my head ...

Jul 17, 2011 19:30

"I don't care if the boy's great conquering power over the Dark Lord consists of snogging him to death ... "

-Cracks up laughing- OMG, I forgot how much I *love* that line. Oh, the mental images! Eat your heart out, Voldemort/Harry and Tom Riddle/Harry Potter fans! ♥

-Wipes away tears- For fans of Severus Snape and AbusedHarry, I give you The Read more... )

harry potter, fanfiction, quotes, rant

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dj_rocca July 18 2011, 02:46:41 UTC
The only thing that makes me sad I gave up on HP after the 4th book/movie(?) is that Snape was played by Alan Rickman...and he's hot...
Yes, I'm weird. I think it's his voice.


tsukino_akume July 18 2011, 04:42:04 UTC
-Amused- Oh, don't worry: I *adore* Alan Rickman. Although in my case it's because ever since the first time I saw him as Metatron in Dogma, I fell in love with him as an actor. I have yet to hate any character he plays, no matter how much of an asshole. ♥ (And he does seem to so love those characters ... )

I wasn't a huge fan of the series much after the fourth part, either. -Sadface- I *adored* everything up to that point, but after that it's almost like a whole different series. The things that I thought would happen didn't, and many of the things that *did* happen, I would have preferred to see done differently. (Don't even get me *started* on the injustice of the way she portrayed the Malfoys. >.<) While I still love the *concept* of Harry Potter, the secret society idea, and so many of the characters? I'm really not happy with the way it changed on me. -Sulks-

-Coughs- Sorry. Apparently this series tends to make me rant.

If you don't mind my asking, what made *you* give up on it?


dj_rocca July 18 2011, 14:15:53 UTC
I feel pretty much the same only I do have a petty reason too. I hated that it began to become about the couples and who she chose to couple up. I absolutely hate Ron/Hermione, it's like Lily/Theo of jungle fury. They are BFFs and he mostly is a dick to her and suddenly she's head over heels and he's her one true love?! And Harry who saw Ginny as a SISTER suddenly wants her. EW. from what I was told JK believes Hermione is like her and Ron is like her husband so they HAD to get together. I hated it became about love and lust so I gave up. Until book 5 I think it was it seemed it was Harry/Hermione and I liked it, it was logical and made sense for the characters ( ... )


dj_rocca July 18 2011, 14:18:47 UTC
Oh Alan as the Metatron, brilliant. I could kiss Kevin Smith for casting him in that role. He looked so amazing and if there was a voice of God, it's him.


tsukino_akume July 18 2011, 15:37:26 UTC
Hey, everyone has the right to their opinion! The best we can do is air and defend it respectfully, which you already do very well. ^_~

I totally agree with you on Harry/Ginny. (And not just because I'm totally a Draco/Harry fan and prefer that over just about any other pairing.) Ginny went from his starry-eyed fangirl to little sister figure to girlfriend and it's just ... no. Wrong on *SO* many levels. >.< Not to mention that given the fact that Ginny has the same color of hair as Lily and Harry looks exactly like his dad, it's really just some kind of twisted 'reincarnation' of James/Lily - which I adore as a couple, but seriously. Just ... no. It's like the whole Sirius calling Harry ‘James’ before he died thing. It's turning Harry into some carbon-copy of his father, and Rowling already went from 'Oh your father was so funny and nice and popular and everyone who was Not Snape loved him!' to 'Oh, by the way, your father was actually a bullying jackass and no one bothered to mention this'. -Twitches- I can tolerate Ginny as a ( ... )


dj_rocca July 18 2011, 15:48:01 UTC
LOL! Sorry for the plot bunnies but as soon as you said Dogma, I too had the urge to rewatch it. We started to when Jud was here but I don't think we got past the special features. And no! I agree Alanis and Alan were a perfect pair for God and the voice of God! And I loved that handstand too! Just perfection.

I cannot give Kevin Smith (Silent Bob) enough praise for that movie, it was just perfect and so right on so many levels.

But I agree about Ginny, it was WTF for me. I couldn't stand her character from the first time we see her. Had I realized she'd play that big of part, I would have stopped reading after book 3.

I understand! I think Snape's status is 50/50 between love and hate. I personally like him more after he was casted as Alan Rickman, I couldn't help it and the fact the poor bastard had such a horrible backstory didn't help.


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