Movie Time!

May 06, 2011 00:38

So, I finally got off my ass and watched Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader tonight.

Thoughts on the Movie
  • The movie seemed kind of rushed, especially in the beginning. I know there was a *lot* to fit in there and I get that, but I was still slightly disappointed. I didn't dislike it, but it's definitely not my favorite of the Narnia movies. ;_;
  • There needed to be more hugs. LOTS more hugs. There's like, two random hugs, and I think maybe two that happened when they should have. There are still five or six moments where I'm like 'WHY ARE THEY NOT HUGGING?!'
  • Is it just me, or was there actually more hugging/touching in the previous movies? (Yes, I'm actually quite bothered by the lack of physical affection. I like my SiblingSnuggles, damn it.)
  • Eustace! ♥ I didn't think I was gonna like him since I was never a fan of his character in the books, but OMG he's so adorable! ♥
  • I'm ... kind of not happy with Edmund for most of this movie. -Frowns- He kind of seemed to be channeling Peter a lot, with the whole 'WHY AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH I'M A KING TOO, DAMN IT' thing. Which I also get, but it was ... I dunno. I feel like there should have been something more specific to Edmund in this. And he backs down too much. He just seemed very ... immature maybe? He was a lot calmer and more emotionally balanced in the second movie. And he doesn't seem as close to Lucy as he did before. It's like he's taken several steps back in character growth for some reason.
  • While I loved Lucy's wish to be like Susan, I was highly amused that I spent most of those scenes thinking that she's gotten very pretty.
  • The look on Edmund's face after he refuses Rhindon, so Caspian smirks and tosses him his flashlight. That was *priceless*. ^_^
  • I didn't like Eustace narrating to his diary at first, but it grew on me toward the end. It was a good way to establish the passing of time, too.
  • I find it fascinating that the evil mist was green. In the first (and I think second) movie, green was supposed to be the color of spring and goodness. White and blue were evil colors.
  • Edmund's Moment of Absolution: the look on his face when he finds Eustace's clothes. He totally sounded like Peter when he blamed himself for not protecting Eustace better and called him 'just a boy' - but in a good way.
  • Eustace bonding with Reepicheep. -Awwws- I need to snuggle something after watching that scene. ♥
  • All the CG work for this movie was *beautiful*. DragonEustace especially. The emotions on his face were so clear, and his expressions were totally *Eustace*.
  • This may just be personal head cannon, but I had the impression that Edmund and Lucy might have sailed before this. Which watching the way they never have an issue with the how the boat moves, and the way Edmund just scrambles and swings all over the rigging toward the end just sort of enforces for me. (Which granted, could just be because they were supposedly there for months and he's finally gotten used to it.) But if they *have* sailed before, and even if they haven't, why isn't anyone asking them for advice? I mean, I get the whole 'It's Caspian's boat' thing, but no one ever seemed to think either of them might have a better idea of what to do or bothered to ask if they had a suggestion. And frankly, at this point they ruled longer than Caspian has.
  • After watching the deleted scene of Edmund telling Caspian to just order his men to do what they're told when they're threatening mutiny, I don't think he suggested it for the reasons Caspian seemed to think. It actually struck me as a contrast in ruling styles: Edmund's people loved and trusted him enough to believe in him and that he knew what was best, so they followed his orders without question because they believed he knew what he was doing. Caspian is honest and open with his people, and wants them to follow him because of trust, not because he told them to. So Edmund looks confused as to why Caspian doesn't just tell them to behave and stop questioning what he's doing, while Caspian is uncomfortable with the idea of ordering them to follow him. I may just be reading into it because I so love Edmund's character, but. -Shrugs-
  • Jaedis looks *weird* in green. Especially her eyes.
  • Caspian and Edmund saying they loved each other as brothers was totally adorable. I also heartily approve of Caspian forcing Edmund to use Rhindon, which he should have done sooner. I can imagine that Peter would have smacked his brother upside the head at some point for refusing it in the first place.
  • I like the contrasting armor styles. It may not have been intentional, but in the first two movies they wore plate mail, while in this one their armor is mostly leather-based. It might just be because they needed new props now that it's being produced by a different company, but to me it seemed like another subtle way to see the changes in Narnia over the years.
  • Why the hell did Edmund even think of the sea serpent at that moment in the first place? The guy is telling them not to imagine their worst fears, and the first thing he thinks of is a sea serpent? o.O Shouldn't he have pictured Jaedis instead?
  • Caspian knocking Edmund out of the way of the serpent. I'm curious to know why Edmund wasn't moving, but Caspian and Lucy's looks of sheer panic were just ... ♥
  • I was totally waiting for Edmund to yell 'I *am* a king!' when Jaedis tried to convince him to let her make him her king. I'm incredibly disappointed that he didn't. ;_;
  • The way Caspian smiled and called Eustace family too, and how Eustace gave him this sheepishly happy smile back, was adorable. ♥
  • There should have been hugging when they got back to England. Lucy and Edmund both looked like they were heartbroken. Which they would be, but there needed to be hugging.
  • The end made me sad. Which is odd, because the ending to Prince Caspian didn't make me sad, but this one did. Apparently Edmund and Lucy are better at the whole 'Aslan doesn't love us anymore' look than Peter and Susan.

And once again, the song for the ending credits has me wanting the soundtrack. -Sighs- I've already favorited it on YouTube. And I still need the soundtrack to Prince Caspian, too. -_-;;;

-Wanders off to find Pevensie SiblingSnuggles fic-

edmund, commentary, narnia, movies

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