Personality Quizzes, because Akume is a Nerd.

Apr 12, 2011 21:10

So, apparently I'm Tommy Oliver.

My Morphin Grid Alignment According to Ellen Brand
Shade: Light
Level: Ninja (Soul)
Color: Green
Archetype: The Paladin
Traits: Dominant Negative Masculine
You are on the side of Light; you would be a Green Ranger. Your animal is the Panther (DNM)
Light - 5. - Shadow - 3. Dark - 1.
Dino - 1. Thunder - 1. Ninja - 2.
Red - 7. Green - 14. Blue - 5. Pink - 9. Yellow - 10. Black - 12. Purple - 9. White - 9.

Wielders who draw from the Light tend to be what most consider 'good;' noble, unselfish, compassionate, honorable-- or at least hold these up as an ideal to shoot for. Should a holder betray these virtues completely, he or she will find that the connection has disappeared.

Ninja is level of the soul. Calm and patient, Ninja types would prefer to let a situation play itself out until a solution becomes apparent. While they possess more finesse and patience than the other types, they are not suited to quick action or hasty changes in tactics. Quieter than the other two divisions, they sometimes have a tendency to brood.

Two of the Green Grid Animals are reptiles, a fact which is quite fitting with the legendary Green temper. Unlike Reds, whose anger burns quickly and hot, Green anger is a cold, slow-burning flame. It's usually a terrifying thing to behold, because it can do so much more damage. Luckily, Greens don't get truly angry very often, and when they do, it's a righteous rage. After all, the Green Archetype is also known as the Holy Knight. As the name would imply, Greens are usually noble and honorable, warriors who fight to uphold what they believe in and protect the innocent. Often loners to some extent, they tend to be very self-contained, rarely giving anyone a glimpse into their inner self. Their friendship is hard to obtain, but once given, is nearly impossible to lose. And most people who have put forth the effort will agree that, on the whole, the rewards are worth it.

Greens are warriors, knights, not soldiers. As a result, they often have a hard time following orders, which leads to a lot of friction with Reds. Greens follow orders only when they respect the person giving them, and rank isn't necessarily going to win a Green's respect. They have little patience for bureaucracy, mindless rules, or doing things 'because that's the way it is.' Often, Greens make better leaders than followers, because they will never needlessly endanger a person under their protection. In fact, Greens often are self-sacrificing, simply because they value the lives of others much more than their own.

Bad things tend to happen to Greens, and no one knows quite why. Many of them are orphans, and most hide at least one painful secret in their pasts. Usually more. Perhaps because of this, Greens tend to be the ones who walk the line between the darkness and light more often than the other colors. To balance this out, Greens tend to latch onto a quest, something to focus on, a service higher than themselves. Whether it's Scott Summers and his devotion to Charles Xavier's dream, Dinobot and his honor, or Tommy Oliver's desire to be the perfect Ranger, every Green has a dream that means far more than life itself.

Notable Greens: Darkwing Duck (Dino), Ghostbusters - Peter Venkman (Thunder), Power Rangers - Tommy Oliver (Ninja), X-Files - Fox Mulder (Ninja), Digimon - Yamato "Matt" Ishida (Ninja), Transformers - Rodimus Prime (Thunder), Transformers Beast Wars - Rattrap (Thunder), Jim Ellison (Ninja), Transformers Beast Wars - Dinobot (Dino), Big Bad Beetleborgs - Drew McCormick (Ninja)

A Dominant person is in the front of the crowd, usually the focus of attention. A Negative person is more quiet and reserved, less active. A Masculine person is not definitely male persay; rather, he or she is more of a loner regarding problem solving. A Masculine person tends to solve problems on his or her own, only getting help when no other options are available.

This one is pretty accurate too, actually.

Career Inventory Test Results

Extroversion||||||||||||40%Emotional Stability||||||||||||||||||56%Orderliness||||||||||||||||||60%Altruism|||||||||||||||||||||70%Inquisitiveness|||||||||||||||50%

You are a Guide, possible professions include - career counselor, psychologist, educational consultant, special education teacher, librarian, artist, playwright, novelist/poet, editor/art director, information-graphics, designer, HRM manager, merchandise planner, environmental lawyer, marketer, job analyst, mental health counselor, dietitian/nutritionist, research, educational consultant, architects, interpreter/translator. Take Free Career Test
personality tests by

power rangers, quiz, randomness, shiny, fandom

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