(no subject)

Feb 22, 2011 18:50

So, I had the first appointment with my new gastroenterologist today. In the span of one appointment, he signed me up for an endoscopy (which is when they shove a camera down your throat to check for ulcers and stuff), a liver biopsy, and gave me a prescription for my heartburn medication. All based off one conversation and an ER report.

I like him. Lots. ♥

Although I cannot understand a word he says because he has a very thick Jamaican accent. c.c;;;

Tomorrow morning is the appointment with my general doctor again, for two referrals and to take care of the cyst on the back of my left wrist now. One referral is just a technicality for the gastroenterologist, while the other is because the ER told me to see him about following up on the pulmonary nodule they found in my lungs, which means he'll probably have to refer me to *another* specialist. Especially with the thing about Grandma passing from Pulmonary Fibrosis that no one ever figured out where it came from. >.<

I'd like to believe that it really is nothing and I'm just being paranoid, but my chest has felt tight and achy since Friday. Also, today decided to continue leaving me massively dizzy and lightheaded - same as I've been since I woke up last Tuesday - while adding in a severe migraine and nausea. I actually thought I was going to puke or black out twice. I'd go back to the ER, but they never readmitted me for the same symptoms I've been having for awhile now, and I've got the appointment with my doctor first thing in the morning anyway, so. If he really thinks that I need to go back at any point, I'll know first thing.

And even if nothing comes of that, I've got my neurologist's appointment on the 2nd, my Ambulatory EEG on the 3rd, and my endoscopy on the 9th. Possibly my liver biopsy on the 1st, depending on how long it takes them to wrangle the appointment for me.

... And I just realized I forgot to grab the copy of last Friday's ER report I asked them to give me so I'd have it for tomorrow. Damn it.

In other news for today, Ecliptor tried to mow down Ruby on our way to her work this morning, Verizon refused to let me give them money, and I drank way too much coffee and managed to write things despite the fact that I seem to have become somewhat dyslexic (which is a horrible word to give to people who have difficulty with spelling). Things like R.J. describing himself as the bride, Zhane declaring himself cool and getting into an argument with Justin about which one of them saved the universe in a more significant way, and Wes laughing about karma while Alex just sort of wonders why he's there. Also, the public transportation system in this area is pretty awesome, despite the fact that they remain ridiculously expensive.

And my head and chest both still hurt.

fanfiction, health issues, phoenix family, a darker shade of red

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