Feb 09, 2011 16:04
Posting this because my LiveJournal seems to be the only way I remember these things now that my memory is holier than swiss cheese.
Just tripped over my own two feet while walking across my bedroom, stumbled, and caught myself against the door with my right elbow/forearm. Flailed and knocked over one of my crutches that was standing behind the door, then slammed back into the wall with the right side of my head and right hip and fell on my ass. Sat there for a few minutes going ' ... Ow. Well that sucked.' Also somehow scraped the side of my left pinky in the process, which seems to be the only part of me that's bleeding. The rest of all abused body parts are sore, but otherwise fine. My head feels kind of floofy, but in the two and a half hours I'd already been conscious, I hadn't been very coherent as it was.
So I'm fine. Just kind of tired and my head hurts. But since this is me, I'd better keep track of the fact that I just managed to hit my head yet *AGAIN*, in hopes it ends up that I'm just being paranoid. >.<+++
-Sighs- I may have to call it a night early today, just for the fact that my head isn't very happy with me. So much for attempting to find something to write. -_-;;;
* ETA: Forgot to add that my right leg started having a muscle spasm while I was laying on the floor. My entire leg; subtle, but still noticable. Ruby saw it, too. It didn't hurt or anything, but it was kind of creepy to watch. >.O
health issues