Because everyone else is doing it ...

Feb 07, 2011 21:21

The episode title is misleading. 'The Team Unites?' In what way did they unite? This was all about the Green Ranger running about being an idiot. There's little to no teamwork in it at all.

*LOATHE* the new theme. Not only is it just a rehash of the original series - in the same way that they tried to bring back Bulk and Skull - but it has absolutely nothing to do with Samurai. Sure, it sounds cool, but that's not my point. And I miss having a new theme each season. That was one of my favorite things about the openings. -Sulks-


Yes, it goes against our beloved the Power Heals Its Rangers theory, but ... BANDAGES! -Flails more-

Oh, gods, Bulk and Spike. >.< I know why they're there. I do. This has the potential to be a very dark season, what the whole making people cry to move their boat thing, and the theme of the Samurai being sacrifice. We need something to lighten things up, and that's why we have Bulk and Spike. But honestly, I just wanted to fast forward through that scene. It didn't have any place in the episode, and it wouldn't have lost anything without it.

Favorite character so far is Jayden. He fascinates me, with his cool, calm, protective attitude, his dedication and resolve to do what he has to. (And his emo hair. ^.^V) And that scene with the mini-zord? -Squees- That was *adorable*. Best moment of the whole episode. I'm looking forward to seeing more of him. Mike was cute in that 'yeah, he's a handful' sort of way, but I'm not completely sold on him yet.

I'm sort of torn on my slash pairings. I can see Jayden/Mike, but I also caught hints of Kevin/Mike there, too. And I think Jayden might actually have a big brother complex. So for now, I'm reserving judgement on my slash pairings. I promise to make up for this once I'm decided.

The lack of the girls annoyed me. Did they even call them by name outside of the credits? Emily just seems like the team cheerleader, and kind of a female Rocky at the same time. Mia was quiet? She didn't seem to do much except try to calm down Kevin.

The Villains are kind of intruiging. Yeah, they're terrorizing people, but it sort of sounds like all they want is to get home. They're not good guys in any way, but the only reason they're doing what they are is because it's the only way they can. I'm interested in learning more about them.

Morphing sequence is sparkly? I agree that it's a bit too long, but Mike's was kind of cool. ^_^ The mini-zord was again, squee, but when they get bigger they look ... weird. And chunky. o.O Not sure if that's something I'd want in a fight. Plus the whole 'sense your enemy in mid-Zord battle!' thing seemed kind of stupid. But I laughed so hard when it started raining sparkles with their finishing attack. That was hilarious. Apparently there's going to be a lot of sparkles with this season.

All in all, I'm sort of lost because that wasn't so much of a first episode as it was an introduction to the series episode. I'm curious, but not completely sold either. So ... I like it, and I had a few fangirl moments, but I'm not completely flailing yet. Hopefully that will change as more episodes (eventually) air.

* Hoorah for new 'prs' tag! ^.^V

ETA: I am highly amused that so far, there has been nothing to contradict my Jayden is the lovechild of Leo Corbett and Chris Halliwell theory. If anything, the whole having to stay away to keep family and friends safe line struck me as being very Halliwell. Does this mean we get Stupidly Heroic Red Ranger Acts and random shirt-ripping in the new future? -Bounces hopefully-

power rangers, prs

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