The 1,000,000 Words for 2011 Challenge!

Dec 31, 2011 23:59

It's official. phantom_blue is a bad influence on me.

phantom_blue: You know what would be a hilarious goal for this year? Write 1,000,000 words.
Akume: -Busts up laughing-
phantom_blue: That's... 2747 words a day.
phantom_blue: *amused* I'm so bad at arithmetic. I thought it was going to be like 12,000.
Akume: -Grins- I did, too. ^_~
phantom_blue: So, hypothetically, if I take this dare, what counts towards it? Just fiction?
Akume: I would assume any type of story writing.
Akume: Basic journal entries don't count.
phantom_blue: Damn.
phantom_blue: That makes it all hard and stuff.
phantom_blue: Oh, why the hell not

So of course, because *she's* doing it, now I've convinced myself to keep track of my word count for this year, too.

63407 / 1000000 words. 6% done!
Wish me luck?

ETA 6-5-11: I'm supposed to be halfway to my goal by the end of this month. -Eyes word count- Yeah, that ain't happening.

P.S. Dare you to join the insanity. ^_~

writing, fanfiction, phoenix family

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