Dec 15, 2010 02:39
So here I am, sitting in my room, staring at open files for Alan Tracy and the Boy-Who-Lived, Cataclysm, Twisted Realities (my in-progress Gundam Wing/Harry Potter crossover), and Bright Skies. While randomly looking at my old stories on my LiveJournal and also thinking about A Darker Shade of Red - which I really wish would *FINISH* itself one of these days. And attempting to make a desktop wallpaper of Carlos to continue the theme I started with Cassie and Ashley.
What can I say, I work best when I'm multitasking. Plus my brain is finally working again now that all the damn drugs from the hospital have worn off. >.<
I'm paging down through my Bright Skies notes, trying to figure out, once again, why the hell I can't seem to finish this thing when I've only got four more chapters to go and I already know what I want them all to be about. And then I remember what my problem is:
The Battle Fire.
Ever since I started ADSoR and Bright Skies, the concept of the Battle Fire has driven me fucking NUTS. It makes no sense whatsoever. What the hell are a pair of medieval knights doing in the year 2001? Why do they possess a box that only *Wes* can open? Why does that box conveniently have a battlizer in it? Was it always supposed to be a battlizer, or was that because it was what Wes needed? What was up with the whole cave/time warp thing? Was it even a time warp? Why did Wes destroy the Black Knight instead of containing him like they do everyone else?
After a lot of discussion about this Plothole of Doom with BlackCrimsonLight, we've debated a lot of theories. That the knights are actually from another planet. That Wes or some descendant of his was the White Knight, and that's why he was protecting it - to give it to himself. (Although this brings up the question of who the Black Knight was and why he wanted it in the first place.)
But throughout all this debate, we really haven't come up with an answer. And I want to know, because I may or may not try to work an explanation for the Battle Fire into Bright Skies or ADSoR, depending on what I come up with. I might also just leave it alone, but either way, it's going to drive me insane until I come up with a theory behind the damn thing.
Any thoughts, personal theories? I don't care how crazy or vague it may be, I'm dying to come up with *some* sort of resolution for this stupid plothole. Because I'm a nerd and I want to know. -Bats eyelashes hopefully- Pretty please? With Wes on top?
bright skies,
time force,
a darker shade of red