Once a Ranger sucks. Which isn't news, but still.

Mar 22, 2010 16:03

I feel like I should do a Once a Ranger rewrite.

I blame this on Irrationally Rational. Well, that and megthelegend, who linked me to An Archive of Our Own from Twitter, where I found myself reading OaR fic. Which reminded me of theorizing and debating the episode with BlackCrimsonLight, which reminds me that I could have sworn at some point I was vowing I wouldn't do an OaR rewrite when someone asked me to.

So clearly, we all saw this coming. -_-;;

Not that I'm actually doing the rewrite *yet*, mind you. For one, I have absolutely no ideas of how to go about it. There are some questions I'd like to answer (Why does Thrax put emphasis on Sentinel Knight using his own power to contain him, why wasn't Thrax discovered sooner, how was Sentinel Knight able to restore Tori and Kira's powers and retrieve Bridge from the future but not just fix the problem with the Morphin Grid, why was Alpha 6 in a box in a warehouse in Angel Grove, since when is the Morphin Grid a mechanical tube-thing you can teleport stuff into ...) but that's as far as I've gotten right now. I know where Thrax came from and why he wanted all the enemies together, but I still need to solve the weirdness of Sentinel Knight and ... everything else, really. So that it isn't so much of one giant plothole.

Note to self: DO NOT DRAG THE ENTIRE FORMER CAST INTO THIS. I know it's hard not to, but you can do it! I know you can!

Thoughts, questions, suggestions, requests are all welcome. In the meantime, I must find the willpower to force myself to watch more Overdrive, so that I can figure out WTF Sentinel Knight actually *is*. Among other things.

-Detours to Power Rangers Central instead-

power rangers, fanfiction, once a ranger

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