Quick and Sweet

Dec 01, 2006 18:41

Crossposted from my LJ for Mellowcandle, who asked for Tomoyua and by God she'll have it this time.

Title: Show and Tell
Prompt: Stockings
Pairing: Touya-Tomoyo
Length: 460
Rating: PG-13

“How’s this one?”

Touya sat forward in his chair, chin resting in hand with feigned academic interest as he frowned lightly.

“I like the color, but the frills are a bit...”

He barely concealed a grin as Tomoyo let out an inaudible sigh and walked back into the wing of her suite that was the dressing area. She had a school recital approaching, and it was his duty as boyfriend to help her choose something; one of those rare instances where work was confused with pleasure.

It would all come to an end though if his little plan was found out, so when Tomoyo reemerged-this time in dark lavender leggings matching the color of her hair-she found nothing but the most placid look of a critic on her boyfriend’s face, as if he was the director and she was trying out for a documentary on women’s suffrage.

In other words, the interest he paid her was far too professional to be natural.

“How about this one?” As she spoke she did a slow spin on her toes so the hem of her skirt floated upwards a bit, and then Touya, who had up till then been as unmoving as a boulder, shifted in his seat.


He cleared his throat. “It’s nice, very nice, but since this is a formal affair I think we should go with something more… conservative after all.”

He could’ve sworn a smile flitted across her lips before she turned and headed back into the dressing room. Containing the reaction to her last display took everything he had, and Tomoyo was too sharp to not pick up on his stress signals for much longer.

The only question was: What would be the response?

A minute later he saw her; or rather he saw her foot which she used to nudge the door open as she emerged with her hands full of a basin of what looked like her entire inventory of stockings.

Walking precariously up to him, her face hidden behind the tall pile, she deposited the load in front of him, with an expression that told Touya he’d been found out at last.

“I think at this rate we’ll never decide on anything, wouldn’t you agree?”

Touya sat back and grinned. “I have time. Why not try a few more?”

Tomoyo smiled sweetly. “Of course, but to save the time of walking back and forth…” and Touya stared in mixed horror and fascination as she reached just beneath her skirt and began to slide down the stockings she was wearing, very, very slowly. “…I’ll just do my changing right here. Shouldn’t bother anyone I think, they’re just plain, unattractive old stockings after all.”

And Touya Kinomoto knew he'd been beaten.

touya/tomoyo, touya, tomoyo

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