Random drabble

Dec 01, 2006 14:51

Wrote this for mellowcandle a while ago, and just never got around to posting it. It was a blast to write, as Nakuru always is (especially when you get her and Kaho together). Hope it brings you a giggle.


Title: The Only Way to Watch
Genre: Humor, as usual
Length: 484 words
Pairing: Kaho/Nakuru (non-romantic)
Summary: Girls' night in takes on a whole new twist when you bring together these two best friends, a Harry Potter movie marathon, and a bottle or three of vodka.

Kaho peered through the clear vodka in her shot glass at the television screen. "Who's brilliant idea was this again, anyway?"

"Dunno. Does it matter?" Nakuru grinned.

"Yes. I'm going to need someone to blame in the morning."

Nakuru stuck her tongue out at her best friend. "You're having fun, admit it."

"I'm half-snockered, of course I'm having fun. That doesn't make up for the fact that this is the nuttiest drinking game you've ever come up with."

"So I came up with it then?"

"Yes. No. Yes. It has to be. Because I never would have picked Harry Potter. I'm the sensible one out of the two of us." Kaho tried her best to look the part, but was having a most difficult time fighting a smile.

Nakuru snorted rather indelicately in amusement. 'Yeah, sure, you're the- oh wait, hush, the owls are bringing mail, we have to take a drink."

"Alright. ...wait," Kaho eyed the scene doubtfully, "do we take one shot for the whole scene, or one for each owl? Because that's an awful lot of owls."

"The rules are that it's two whenever someone says 'wizard' or 'witch', and one any time something magical happens. An owl bringing mail is just an example, so I'd say one for the whole scene." She frowned thoughtfully at the movie. "Well, better make it two just for good measure, since there really are a lot of them."

"Now hold on, we still have two more movies to get through after this one, since you insisted on renting all four of them."

"Fine, one shot."

"Okay then."


"Nakuru, this was either the most insane idea you've ever had, or pure genius." With a considerable amount of effort considering how much vodka she'd consumed over the previous five hours, Kaho managed to keep from slurring most of her words.

"How about insane genius?" Nakuru moaned from where she laid sprawled on the rug.

"That sounds about right," Kaho gave her a wobbly nod from the couch. "We're not going to make it to 'Prisoner of Ashkaban', you know."

"Hmm. Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." Kaho agreed, then promptly buried her head under a pillow as Nakuru broke into song, drunkenly decimating the soundtrack of Annie at the top of her lungs. "Must you? Really, I don't think my neighbors want to hear that at three o'clock in the morning, Nakuru," she tried in vain to shout over her friend's "singing".

"I LOVE YOU, TOMORROW, YOU'RE ALWAYS A DAY AW- Oh, hey, Kaho, we never decided who won the game. Kaho? Kaho?" Nakuru carefully picked herself up off the carpet and crawled over to the couch, pulling the pillow away from Kaho, who had evidently passed out. 'Kah-- oh. Oh! Hey, that means I WON!" She threw her hands up in the air victoriously, losing her balance and falling over, and was snoring before she hit the floor.

kaho, nakuru

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