Title : Love Quotes
Pairing : YamaShi / UmiChii / RyuNon / OhgoJima / HikaTomo
Rating : PG
Genre : Fluff , Romance
"Hey..." He circled his arms on her waist. "Still angry?"
She groaned. "Don't talked to me"
"Are you jealous?" He playfully asked her.
"You are jealous~" as he kissed her cheek. She frowned for the nth time.
"I'm glad you're jealous..." As he rested his head on her shoulder.
"Are you kidding with me? It's not funny Ryosuke!"
He smiled and turn the small figure to face him and cupped her cheeks.
"If you weren't jealous every once in awhile, you wouldn't be in love, Mirai."
They we laying close to each other at his backyard.
"Yuri.." She called the name.
"Do you love me?" She asked the question that she already knew the answer.
He tilted his head to gaze her and held her hand firmly.
"For you see, each day I love you more, Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow."
"Ne..Ryuu..do you still remember our first meeting?" She talked to the tall guy.
"Yeah.." As he tucked her hair to her ear. "When I first met you, I honestly didn't know you were gonna be this important to me." He added on.
HikaTomo (Yaotome Hikaru x Ogawa Tomomi)
She giggled as he read the message from him.
'I miss you a little, I guess you could say, a little too much, a little too often, and a little more each day.'
"You cheesy little Hikaru!" She sweetly cursed the guy.
"Ne...what if I stop loving you?" She asked her lover while leaning her head on his shoulder.
"I wont hate you for stop loving me...but I'll hate myself for unable to stop loving you." He answer while hold her hand firmly.
"The star will leave moon when their time came...would you stop loving me?" As the Ice princess gaze the night sky.
"I'll stop loving you when the mute guy tells the deaf guy that the blind guy saw the legless man walk on water." He replied his princess.
"What's with that answer?! "She laughed slightly. "In other words, you would never stop loving me?" As she chuckled.
"Yeah..Never." The tall guy smiled.
- oAo just realize I didn't put OhgoJima's part~ anyway..it's there now lol whacked by ohgojima
- Got the quotes from tweeter. :)
- Comment are love :)