May 08, 2007 16:35
my shiny new spring resolution is to stop expecting things of people, however small those things are, and to stop counting on people. hopefully this will make me much less angry and more importantly much less disappointed.
(have i ever mentioned that i think the one thing you can always count on people to do is disappoint you? you can't always assume folks will come through for you, and you sure as shit can't assume folks will help you out - unless maybe it happens to be convenient for them - but you can be damn sure someone somewhere will let you down. and that's without you having particularly high expectations to begin with.)
this was originally a god's honest angry rant, but y'know what, i just can't bring myself to care any more. answer your email or not, comment on people's posts or not, talk to me or anyone else or not, i don't even care if you read my lj. it'd be nice if you did, but i don't expect you to. some of you are probably here for the supernatural squee, some of you probably came for the fic, as little of it as there is, some of you i don't even know why you're here. that's ok. read whatever turns you on and feel free to ignore the rest.
this is my issue, and yes it was brought on by other people's actions, but it is my problem and partly my fault and the only way i know to fix it is to lower my expectations to zero. that way, i can be pleasantly surprised more often than let down, and i'd kind of like that.