monday misc

Apr 03, 2006 13:06

things i've seen since saturday that make me think of other people:

mini buddha-in-a-box
the dancing girls of lahore
penguin puppets
little plastic llamas
baby socks that look like mary janes
a little wheelie suitcase with skull-and-crossbones embroidered on it
a mint-green vespa
love rats
plush bunnies

you don't want to know how many typos i'm making on this thing i'm typing up. >_< let's just say LOTS. thank god for spellcheck, is all i have to say.

also it seems to be spring, so i break out the lemon on a windowsill.

i think nash has my hair, except straight and not frizzy, and i don't dye mine. but his is thick and there's a lot of it, and if he'd stop dyeing it black you'd realize it was really a nice dark brown. i have absolutely no idea when it starts going gray, but neither does anyone else, so possibly it doesn't matter.

megan's two nieces are katie and carrie (their birth certificates say "katherine" and "caroline"), and there's two or three years between them. allie, megan's sister, is five years older. katie gets married when she's twenty-three and her husband is twenty-six, and then a few years later they get divorced. i think it might just be a case of her being too young and neither of them being entirely prepared to be married, not that he's an asshole or she cheats on him or anything. it's a reasonably amicable divorce. allie is still less than thrilled. megan just says that sometimes good ideas turn out to be mistakes, and the best you can do is admit it before too many people get hurt. katie thinks this is very smart. carrie decides she's never getting married. >.< and when people who look like her mom and grandmother try to tell her it's just because she hasn't met the right man yet, she points out that megan met the right man and SHE'S not married. and then of course megan has to mention that's because there's three right men, and polygamy is illegal. (the boys find this vaguely entertaining. allie finds it vaguely frustrating. as she gets older she gets more conservative, altho i don't think she ever really understood megan and the boys' relationship. her husband stays out of it. he doesn't get it either but he's not going to make a case out of it.)

francis black, like his biological father, is sexually very straight, much to the disappointment of one dad and the vague relief of everyone else. he also tends to get involved with open-minded but fairly monogamous girls, and i think that people are kind of confused and surprised by his hetero monogamy once they learn about his parents. he doesn't think sustained polyamory is for him - he's not particularly interested in his girlfriend having a girlfriend - altho he freely admits it might be because he hasn't met poly people he'd want to be involved with. he has poly friends, certainly, and he doesn't care where you fall on the kinsey scale or who you want to fuck (or indeed if you're even interested in fucking anyone) - it doesn't matter to him and he doesn't think it should matter to you either. he may even have *gasp* republican friends. O.O


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