family photos

Apr 02, 2006 22:10

i went to my parents' house today to collect photos while my dad was out (for his birthday - it's a surprise :> ) and found all these old photos. i think my mom tried to stack them in convenient piles for me. heh.

this is my mom's uncle nelson, after whom i'm named (well, my middle name and half my hebrew name) - he was a reconnaissance photographer in ww2. this was taken in 1942.

and this is my dad's dad in his ww2 uniform. he was a doctor - you can see the caduceus pin. my grandpa was a pretty good-looking guy, huh? he really looks like my cousin in this picture. it's kind of cool and kind of scary.

and this is my dad's mom. please to be ignoring the big crease down the middle of her face. >.<

there are no wedding pictures of my dad's parents. according to my dad, my grandma didn't want any. she was, shall we say, a large woman. but certainly not an unattractive one. see, look at the wedding announcement:

(after they got married, she used her maiden name professionally. i don't know if that was standard practice for women doctors who started working before they got married, but i always thought it was kind of neat.)

for comparison, wedding photo of my mom's parents:

i know it looks kind of shiny - it's an old vaguely shiny photo, and i couldn't get it out of the frame without wrecking it.

family photos, photos

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