mail love. hp:gof. no spoilers for you. :>

Nov 27, 2005 00:34

a. angelchildr - i got the shoes! (finally.) they're adorable and they fit! thank you! :>

b. i also got a card from missmp with, like, actual letter-type writing! O.O which made me feel kind of slack about sending people mail.... *ahem* but was very sweet. (thanks! :> )

c. saw goblet of fire tonight with my sister. really liked it. thought it was kind of choppily edited in places, but the effects and stunts were fabulous, they kept enough of the main story that everything made sense by the end, and the weasleys (ie, ron and the twins) are fucking adorable. ^_^ and the guy who plays cedric? so damn pretty. i am a pervy old lady and am SO going to hell. but! i know i won't be alone. :D and then afterwards i educated my sister on slash, harry potter division. my poor sheltered sister, she was utterly squicked by the idea of twincest. >.< i did not mention that it's a HUGE kink of mine. (i said i was going to hell, yes?) she was kind of overall weirded out, and then i was worried i'd ruined the movies and books for her. but anyway, good movie, i think i want to see it again. i definitely COULD see it again. even tho i kept remembering things they cut out. >.<

also? ferret!draco is very cute. and both barty crouch, jr and amos diggory looked familiar, but i've never seen either of them in anything else....

d. you know you're addicted to lj when you dream about your flist. oy.

movies, mail love, perv

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