i wrote smut and listened to news

Jul 22, 2024 00:46

i hope every time i post from now on it's not a variation of "what a weekend, huh?" but, uh, what a weekend, huh? i hope everyone survived the crowdstrike bullshit on friday - i got exactly two emails from the u and nothing from my department's it guys so i figured we were in the clear. i worked a half day and then drove down to the cape for my writing group's annual writing retreat (writer k's parents have a house down there that they let us use) which included a lot of burgers, a trip to the vegan soft serve ice cream stand (writer m is vegan and it's good soft serve), avocado three bean salad, a giant bowl of guac, and because it's me a reasonable number of words expended on gay smut. which i don't plan to share because i don't know if it's any good and honestly, that's not the point. i got somewhere between 6000-7000 words (not all smut) which is pretty good and most importantly it was nice to just go somewhere else for the weekend and hang out with people i only ever see over zoom. writer g was hit by the crowdstrike thing and his laptop bluescreened all weekend so he couldn't really get anything done. i think he got the laptop through his wife's work and to really reboot it and clear the bluescreen he needed a system password or something which he didn't have, as it wasn't 100% his laptop in the first place. the rest of us were full of sympathy.

and then today when i was driving writer e home she learned biden dropped out and endorsed kamala harris. we listened to npr all the way to her house, and then i listened to it all the way to my house. i have mixed feelings - i agree that biden's old but i think the media was really invested in making that the news to the exclusion of pretty much everything else and while i heard a lot of "biden's too old, he has to drop out" i didn't hear an equivalent amount of suggestion as to what should happen after that. and i don't know if harris can beat trump. i do think she's the best replacement - people know who she is, she has almost four years in the white house working with and learning from biden, and i think she's the only one who can use his campaign funds. anyone else would have to start from scratch. she still has to be officially nominated at the convention next month and she needs to pick a veep and i really hope the dems are done infighting because we still have an election to win and fighting each other helps nobody.

in more fun space news, missy elliott's music has been beamed to venus. nasa hasn't said why they decided to transmit a song but they probably picked one of hers because of her taste for spacey visuals. it's pretty cool, i have to say.

outer space, politics, writing group, beaten by the technology, weekend wrapup, music

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