oh, you're cold?

Jan 07, 2024 18:31

(the force awakens is on. i love the older han solo and not just because he's played by the older harrison ford. :D also poe and finn are THE CUTEST.)


challenge #3 - create a wishlist!

honestly, i don't know what to ask for. i highly doubt any of you lovely folks can help me with the most important thing, which will be finding a place to live next year that's a. reasonable, and b. affordable. because i'm tired of living with someone else. and a couple years ago i asked for (and got!) tv recs that i'm still working through so i don't feel a need to add that wish again. so this will be short.

1 leave comments! not just on fic but on art and meta and gif sets and whatever you read/admire/etc and enjoy. kudos are fine but comments are a conversation and isn't that one of the reasons we're here?

2 the same thing lots of people ask for - art or podfic or something for one of my fics. :D ao3 here and the rest of the bullshit on dw here.

but seriously, the next fic you read and like, leave a comment.

challenge #4 - introduce yourself!

you can call me cindy. i live in greater boston, i like snow, i'm a super casual fangirl. like, i like star wars but mostly original and final trilogies and the only tv show i've seen is andor. (which was so, so good.) if you want to squee i'm your girl. if you know who really shot first i'm also your girl. :D the first fannish conversation i remember having was with a kid in my class (i was in fifth or sixth grade) over what yoda meant by "there is another" and yet... deep fannishness never stuck. but the movies make me happy, so. i feel that way about a lot of things - doctor who, good omens, resident alien, the mcu, the old guard, bob's burgers, lotr, the sandman, other stuff i can't think of right now. raiders of the lost ark. i'm gonna blow up the ark, rene!

i was deep in spn fandom in the early days but i don't have the energy to do that again. but it was a great few years.

i also cross stitch (slowly), curl (badly), bake (occasionally), and write original fic. i go to open houses for places i don't have a hope of ever affording because i'm nosy as hell about the insides of people's houses and if it's a renovation i want to know what they did and didn't change. i have opinions about kitchens and they're not always nice ones.

my roommate does not have covid. we're both super relieved.

IT SNOWED TODAY AND BY "SNOWED" I MEAN CURLING IS CANCELED. ahem. first game of the second half of the season and my team had the 8:30 draw and i HATE the 8:30 draw. haaaaate. it wasn't too bad when my roommate and i went to the grocery store but it started coming down a lot heavier while we were there. there was unsurprisingly no one on the road and almost no one in the store.

we were supposed to get the storm last night - the french toast alert was at three slices - but no, we just got some rain super late and then it started snowing this morning. so i am hunkered down for the duration. (it's still coming down altho very lightly.) i don't have to drive anywhere until friday by which time i should be able to get my car out.

work has been slightly busier than i was hoping for january. oh well. it's very specific busy which means once i've survived the weekend workshop (next weekend) and the watch lecture and workshops (the weekend after) it should be chill for about a week until i go to florida to see the mothership and the students come back.

my sister and i went to the museum of fine arts yesterday for a john singer sargent exhibit about his portraits and the way he dressed his subjects - he would tell people what to wear and pin it or drape it or just mess with it to get the effect he wanted to paint - one of his sitters ended up wearing her sister-in-law's dress which didn't even fit - it was FULL OF PEOPLE but really good.

adam driver looks so blow-dried in this movie. his hair is so fluffy.

sorry, tangent. i'm a big fan of sargent so i really enjoyed the exhibit. the museum also had a small exhibit of women in renaissance italy - art that was commissioned by isabella d'este, art that was made by women whose names we know, and stuff that was made by women whose names we don't. like, there was a gorgeous embroidered table runner that someone probably made as part of her dowry, and surprisingly for an exhibit of renaissance anything there was what's called a torah binder which is basically a length of fabric (now it's probably fabric covered elastic) that you wrap around a torah scroll to keep it from unrolling. (and then you put a cover over that so you can't even see the binder until you take the torah out to read it.) at the time women couldn't even touch a torah never mind read from it but they could show their observance and claim some honor for themselves by embroidering a binder. it was very cool.

there was also a small exhibit of judaica from the museum's collection. smaller than my sister and i were expecting but there was some nice stuff including part of an altar from a synagogue in chelsea, mass, which was apparently at one time full of jews. which i did not know and which was really neat to learn.

snow, weather, snowflake challenge, fun with my sister, nerd support

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