i had the worst craving for a cheese danish all day

Oct 14, 2023 01:24

so today was my mom's birthday and i may or may not have sent her card yesterday because i have no idea what day it is. >.< by which i mean i know when her birthday is but i had monday off and it threw off my entire week.

anyway. i hope your friday the 13th wasn't too scary. :D unless you like scary, in which case i make ghost noises in your direction.

an important thing i meant to mention about last week - not this past week but the week before - is that it was HOT. like, in the 70s at least. one day it hit like 85º. in boston in october which is not right. climate change isn't real my fat ass.

since my sister and i both had monday off for columbus day/indigenous people's day we went apple picking on sunday and i still have SO MANY APPLES in my fridge. i got some galas, some honeycrisps, and something called a smitten which is apparently from new zealand and is cruncy and juicy and sweet and tiny. most of the apples were little which was weird (i'm used to the giant fujis in the grocery store) but adorable and delicious. we waited in line for forty-five minutes for apple cider doughnuts which was absurd but they were really good and if you're going apple picking you have to have apple cider doughnuts. look, i don't make the rules. the weather was sunny and beautiful and it felt like fall and it was just really, really nice. and then monday i did nothing - well, i left the house to get a pumpkin spice latte and something for lunch and ended up with a fried eggplant sandwich - which was also nice. and then tuesday i went back to work.

so one of my pi's runs a seminar series, right? speakers come on tuesdays. the speaker who's coming the tuesday after thanksgiving is coming from san francisco and emailed me over the weekend to say hey, i have a thing in new york after my talk in boston, can you change my flight home to newark. (i booked their flights and hotel. we pay for it anyway so sometimes i do it.) and i replied do you want to go boston-newark instead of boston-san fran? their response: no, i want you to cover my flight from newark back home to california.

not sure why they thought they were entitled to ask us that or why we'd do it since we're not the reason they're going to be in new york in the first place. whoever is getting them to new york should pay for their flight home. my pi was annoyed (understandable) that this person was taking advantage of us to go home from new jersey on our dime and i finally told them that university policy is to only cover flights to and from the university and we don't have the budget for a new flight anyway.

but seriously, if you're going to university x to give a talk, and university x is paying your travel expenses, why do you think it's ok to ask them to also pay your travel expenses home from an entirely different state?

(i have no idea why they wanted to go home from new jersey and not, you know, an airport in new york, but that wasn't the point. we weren't going to cover their flight from a new york airport either.)

i had to share this audacity with one of the admins which meant a nice long walk in the fall sunshine which was really nice.

otherwise work is work. meeting notes, submitting expenses, the usual. contemplating making an apple cake to bring in because i found a recipe and my fridge is still full of apples.

my roommate had a colonoscopy wednesday morning and because she needed unfettered access to the toilet i slept on my sister's couch tuesday night. we went out for dinner, i had a hamburger (yum), we watched you are so not invited to my bat mitzvah which was exceptionally adorable and middle school-y even if the main character was kind of the agent of her own misery. a lot of it seemed like it would be very familiar to suburban american jews but maybe not so much to the rest of the population. and i liked that - it's nice to watch a movie about your own cultural experience (sort of, i mean my friends and i didn't have anywhere near the elaborate parties they had in the movie) with the assumption that the audience will either get it or just go along with it.

speaking of jews, yesterday on the t home there was a nice jewish boy with the yarmulke and peyos and everything, and a tiny squishable plague doctor hanging from his backpack. i about died of cute.

(peyos are the long curls orthodox men and boys wear on either side of their face in front of their ears. i don't know what biblical commandment produced them but i know there is one.)

my curling team lost again on sunday - and we called it early again - but at least we scored. which i guess is an improvement?

wtf, movies, squishables, jewstuff, curling, fun with my sister, nerd support

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