it was SO FOGGY this morning when i left for work, and SO FOGGY last night when i came home. i was so happy. (if damp.) i do love a good fog. it's so seasonal, too.
i'm in the research-and-worldbuilding phase of not-yet-nano, so tell me - what's your favorite creature(s) from myth or folklore? mine is the squonk, which is painfully shy on account of it's so ugly. if you ever succeed in catching one - you can track it by the sound of its crying - it will cry itself into a puddle of tears, so by the time you get it home, all you'll have in the sack you caught it in is a salty puddle. now you go. :D
so remember when i mentioned the line, the 105-mile-long, 200-meter-wide city in the desert that saudi arabia wants to build?
they're actually breaking ground. i guess it's going to happen? eventually? i still think it sounds potentially intensely dystopian and not entirely well-thought-out, but i'm super curious to find out what ultimately happens with it.