umbrella icon because it's raining

Oct 14, 2022 00:14

it's raining and i'm very excited about that. i have to go into work tomorrow (instead of getting an extra hour of sleep and being able to work from home) and i'm not excited about that. altho my sense of time is off because monday was a holiday, so i'll probably think it's thursday anyway.

i got my tooth crowned last friday, which involved the dentist peeling off the temporary crown (really cool but really disconcerting) and slotting in the new crown on top of my tooth. she had to file it down some to make it fit, but basically she just pushed it down on top of the tooth and that was it. well, there's cement on it to make it stick - that stuff is disgusting - but getting the perm crown is a lot less faff than getting the temp crown.

saturday i went to king richard's faire (the local renfaire) with a bunch of friends, and we weren't stuck in traffic for three hours this time! like we were last year. :| and i did not get a giant turkey leg again because my body was less than pleased the last time. we saw jacques ze whipper - funny as always - and the highland hunks - men in kilts and yes there was a deadpool again and no he did not win - the winner of the hunks was an older gentleman who looked kind of like santa in the off-season. flat cap, fisherman's sweater, short white beard, round belly. his name was bruce and the audience loved him. when we were walking back to the car we passed a red pickup with "sleigh" on the license plate and we decided that was his truck, and if it wasn't it should have been.

and sunday i curled at 8:30 (haaaaate) and we lost - i was way off my game but it was close until the other team got five in one end - and the only thing that made curling that late not suck was that monday was a holiday. also there was a bonspiel that weekend and they left behind a lot of cookies. :D because honestly, if you're going to make me drive all the way out to the curling club at 8:30 on a school night, and shove me onto the ice for two hours, the least you can do is offer me cookies after the game.

i also met my sister for brunch and ate too much. it's been a long time since i did that. weather was nice, we sat outside, it was lovely.

and on monday we bought plane tickets for italy next year and they were... a lot of money. but italy. (my sister had a significant birthday last year and we would've gone somewhere except it was still the plague year. hopefully next year will be less plaguey.)

i was (briefly) going to go to las vegas with friends e, a, and r, and now i'm not. i like vegas! vegas is silly, cheesy fun - wincon was there one year - i don't gamble but there's something about the place that i appreciate. and the hoover dam isn't far and i really want to see that. and these are my friends! and i like them! and i think they'd be fun to travel with! and at the same time... i didn't want to go. i wasn't sure why i was going even when i was buying my plane ticket. this is the thing - i have too many trips next year, and i'm not swimming in cash and i don't have endless vacation days, and most importantly... i just couldn't make myself get excited about going to vegas. (why? you may ask. i do not know. peer pressure, maybe, and a need to say yes to social things.) so i told them i wasn't going, and i can't get a refund on my plane ticket but at least i have a credit with the airline, and i feel better about myself. i kept going "why am i doing this??" as i was doing it which is ridiculous. i was so weirdly stressed out about it, tho.

i know, i know, first world problems. whatever. it was bothering me.

was anyone watching kevin can f*ck himself? because the series finale was monday and i have no idea how i feel about it. i spent the entire season wondering how they were going to resolve everything and i really wasn't expecting the way they did. it kind of made sense, tho.

would you like to go inside frank lloyd wright's sc johnson administrative building in racine? of course you would. :D it's too bad the guy who made this video couldn't fill the place with more workers, tho. i bet working there in its heyday was a real experience. (also, shocker, the roof leaks.)

frank lloyd wright, what is wrong with me, travel, fun with my sister, fun with friends, kevin can f himself, weekend wrapup, curling

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