there's an athletic field down the street from my house that a local(ish) high school uses for sports practice (mostly football and lacrosse), and today the school had graduation there. it started at four so they were well underway when i walked home from the t, so i got to hear the class president (i think that's what he was) thank his parents for bringing him to this great country at the ripe old age of six months, and then i got to hear him thank taylor swift for being the most played artist on his spotify for the last three years, and then the other class president (i think that's what she was) thanked her therapist - everyone cheered - and then i was too far away to hear anything else. the sun came out and it was just a good day to graduate high school. godspeed, graduates. go on and do good things. enjoy your lives.
(my high school graduation was also outside on the football field and it was also a good day to graduate. i have no idea what most of my classmates are doing now, tho, if they've done good things and are enjoying their lives.)
the faculty at work is at their retreat and it's VERY QUIET in the building. last month the u put up a tent for graduation in front of my building and took it down tuesday, ripped up the rest of the grass yesterday, and laid new grass today. i sat outside and ate my lunch and watched carpets of grass being laid and it was just really nice.
i'm working on this story for writing group - a retelling of tristan and isolde, i know i've mentioned it - and i'm kind of tired of writing it. i know how it ends, i just don't have the patience to keep going until i get there. i want to finish it mostly so i can say i did - and because i know how it ends - but at the same time... i don't have the patience. how do people who write novels stay interested in them for the length of time it takes to produce a first draft and then edit it so it makes sense? (nanonovels don't count, before anyone points out i can finish those. a month isn't long enough to get sick of the story.)
how many of y'all remember the video to guns n' roses' november rain?
it's thirty years old this week. i read about it this morning and then had the song stuck in my head ALL DAY. because who doesn't love an earworm of bombast. :| for real, tho, i loved that video. that kind of excessive, operatic rock just turned my crank. so ott, so nonsensical, so weirdly compelling.