snow! so much snow! also the reading meme

Feb 02, 2022 23:44

so i went to florida and missed a week of
snowflake_challenge and came home two days late and everything was covered in snow. it was still beautiful snow, even if it took probably an hour to shovel it away from my car. (last night, with help from my roommate and a lovely across-the-street neighbor who came to help because she said it took her an hour to dig out her car and she decided no one should have to do that alone. she just got a master's degree in piano performance which i think is the coolest thing.)

so yeah, there was a storm on saturday so i came home monday. the airport got 23" and parts of the state got 30" and i have no idea how much my neighborhood got because i couldn't find an official total and it was so windy a lot of the snow probably didn't have a chance to settle anyway. it never collected on the front porch because it just blew off, but my roommate had to shovel it off the back porch. she just dumped it over the railing into the back yard.

i caught up on claws which ends this sunday and i have no idea what's going to happen but to be fair i've never known what was going to happen. resident alien is back but i've only seen the first episode which is weird and surreal and funny and made me go "oh my heart" at least once. i'm glad it's back.

What I just finished reading:
light from uncommon stars, which i finished in florida because i woke up one night at 3 in the am and could. not. get. back. to. sleep. >.< i liked it overall altho you don't find out why the violin teacher made a deal with a demon in the first place until almost the end of the book which i found intensely frustrating, and most of the love story side plot kind of happens off the page which was just disappointing. i liked that it wasn't the main storyline, but i did actually want to see it as it happened, and not just be told that it happened. the violinist who's supposed to be the last soul is a runaway trans girl (who's apparently not always great at passing :( ) and while that's obviously a big part of her identity it's not her only identity. i mean, she's not just "the trans girl". her dad is almost cartoonishly awful, tho. not that i'd necessarily expect to get his good side, especially since we only see him from the pov of his daughter who ran away from him, but everyone else had some kind of nuance, and he... didn't. i did like the book, tho. the writing itself is really lovely. and there are doughnuts.

What I am reading now:
wendy, darling, by ac wise, which i got because i needed something to read and barnes & noble didn't have fonda lee's jade city. wendy, darling is about what happens when wendy from peter pan, now an adult with a husband and a daughter, discovers peter climbing into said daughter's room and taking her back to neverland. it's, uh, dark. like, the darling parents go down with the titanic - which is never actually named but is just "the ship that couldn't sink until it hit an iceberg" - and the younger brother goes off to fight in ww1 and comes home with a crippling leg injury and shellshock, and the older brother commits wendy to an insane asylum because of her occasionally violent insistence that neverland is real and everything that she and her brothers went through there actually happened. (the boys forget. she doesn't.) and she never tells her daughter about neverland, so when the poor kid is dragged there she is very confused. but it's also the dark underbelly of neverland itself, and what it's like living at the whims of a feral child with a strong imagination but a short attention span. creepy shit is happening and i'm here for it.

What I'm going to read next:
i could say the galaxy, and the ground within again but i still want to find jade city, so hopefully that. also i was skimming the last couple snowflake challenges and someone was reading something called the jewish pirates of the caribbean which sounds fascinating, so that might be next instead if i can find it.

possibly the most massachusetts people ever - two guys out in the snow on saturday looking for a dunkin' donuts. their cable went out so they bundled up and went for a walk to find an open dunks. during a blizzard. wtf.

in 1889 an english magazine offered unmarried women a prize for the best answer to the question of why they were still unmarried. there were so many good answers the magazine couldn't pick just one.

photographer finds polar bears at an abandoned polar station, just hanging around and wandering in and out of the buildings. they look very cuddly but i wouldn't try to pet one.

today is 2/2/22, or 2/2/22 for those of you outside the us who write the day first. :D also groundhog day, but i don't know if he saw his shadow or not.

resident alien, claws, snow, wednesday reading meme, historical record, bears, i love where i live

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