all fangirl, all the time. also if i have to be horrified so do you

Jan 20, 2022 19:10

last night i went to a fangirl tea party on zoom, which was quite fun and a bit nostalgic. (no tea, tho. it was at 9p my time. late for caffeine.) a bunch of people i know from win(chester)cons and confabcons, and a couple people i don't exactly know but whose names and faces are familiar. we talked about all kinds of bullshit (including spn because that's how some of us know each other and because somehow we always end up here) and stuff and nonsense and it was just so nice. i miss fangirls. chatting on zoom isn't the same as, you know, being able to see and hug people in person, but it's better than not being able to see people's faces at all. plus some of their cats and dogs joined the party. :D and pets are always a good time.

chicken broth cocktails are apparently a thing. which. what. campbell's (yes, the soup people) has recipes. i can't. i mean. whut. broth is soup, it's not a cocktail. look, if you're out in the cold weather and need a nice hot drink to keep you warm, just cook up a lovely chicken broth and put some fancy herbs in it like a normal person.

challenge #9 - spotify type wrap!

i didn't really do this one because i do almost all my fanning on tumblr (except for talking about tv and movies on lj/dw), and my contributions to and engagement with fandom is mostly reblogging stuff there. also yelling (over gchat) "yeet him into the sun!" about the sheriff on resident alien. (wrenlet and i watched that and what we do in the shadows together.) the fannish thing i spent the most time on is my bigbang, quartet for a haunting, which only took a little over two months to draft rather than, say, a year.

challenge #10 - rec something!

i don't really read fic on ao3 so these are all, as mentioned for challenge #9, ficlets i found on tumblr.

to market, to market, by scifigrl47. mcu, steve & sam & bucky.

“I don’t want his,” Steve said, his voice stern. “He’s not going to empty his checking account buying artisanal horseradish.”

“Buying what?” Sam asked

“Oh for fuck’s sake, it was ONE TIME,” Bucky said.

(they go to a farmer's market. bucky has a condiment problem.)

for the prompt "hold my hand (like an angsty pls hold my hand kinda sentence)" by kenzarim (whose tumblr was deactivated). the old guard, joe/nicky.

they are outnumbered thirty to one, their backs inching closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.

a very distinctive backstitch, by iamshadow21. leverage, eliot & parker & hardison.

Parker returns home to find Eliot has discovered both pinterest and handicrafts, and Hardison has had to use the fire extinguisher again.

horror movie trope where dumb teens summon a demon, by kleenexwoman. good omens, crowley.

His first assumption, that Hell had seen fit to recall him in the most efficient way possible, didn’t seem to be correct. Hell had linoleum floors that were often sticky, but it usually didn’t smell like a combination of popcorn and cucumber melon body spray, and it also usually didn’t have cheap wood siding and a pool table.

sherlock and joan play scrabble, by amindamazed. elementary, sherlock & joan.

She shook out the Scrabble tiles between them. “Box rules plus two meta-level rules. One: each turn, you may initiate any new rule you wish. Two: while new rules may abrogate any given box rule, the Calvin-added rules are unrepealable. If a rule gets made during play, it stays.”

“This seems oddly contrary to the doctrine of predestination, Watson.”

“Not when it’s predestined that I’m gonna win. Are you in?"

also two vids!

the fight scene in captain america: civil war after bucky (now the winter soldier) breaks out of the cage thing that probably has a name that i don't remember, edited to britney spears's toxic.

and trust:

image Click to view

ok. story about trust, now that i've pimped a vid. i watched it when it came out because a. brendan fraser, b. donald sutherland, and c. i'd seen all the money in the world and was still stuck on the story. fast forward a couple years, i watch the old guard and develop a ridiculous luca marinelli fixation, which manifests as a. an excessive number of tumblr reblogs, and b. a desire to see everything else he's ever been in, almost all of which is in italian. so here i am cheerfully reblogging pics and gif sets from what i think is a movie set in the 70s, in which he wears bad 70s clothes and has long 70s hair and a 70s porn 'stache which is surprisingly (and unfairly) hot. i'm amazed he can make bad facial hair look so sexy. i mean, the 70s are the decade fashion forgot. according to people's tags this movie is called trust, which i assume is just the english translation of whatever it's called in italian. but no. eventually i realize YOU'VE SEEN THIS SHOW, SELF. YOU SAW IT WHEN IT CAME OUT. IT'S NOT SOME ITALIAN MOVIE, IT'S AN ENGLISH-LANGUAGE MINISERIES ABOUT THE RICHEST ASSHOLE IN THE WORLD AND HIS KIDNAPPED GRANDKID AND YOU WATCHED IT FOR BRENDAN FRASER AND HOW DID YOU NOT RECOGNIZE LUCA MARINELLI'S FUCKING FACE IN THE OLD GUARD. i blame his hair and the porn 'stache. it really is unfairly hot. and while nicky is a lot of things "unfairly hot" isn't one of them.

except when he's in sniper mode. there's just something about snipers, and that something is scorching. (see also: bucky barnes, catfa edition.)

what is this ridiculous fixation, wtf, snowflake challenge, fun with fangirls

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