IT SNOWED AND I BRIEFLY LOST MY SHIT. also snowflake challenge #4.

Jan 07, 2022 23:23


*gets a grip*

it started late last night/early this morning and when i got out of bed there was A LOT OF SNOW ON THE GROUND AND IT WAS VERY EXCITING. light fluffy snow fell for HOURS, so while it accumulated kind of a lot it wasn't hard to deal with. it wasn't even super difficult to shovel! i went out around lunchtime to dig out my car which was easier than expected. i didn't even do a lot of shoveling.

view from the back porch (taken from the doorway because i wasn't going out in my socks)

another view from the back porch (taken later after i put my boots on and could actually go outside)

view from the front porch (also with boots on). no plows yet but someone drove somewhere.

anyway it was a great thing to wake up to, especially since i didn't have to go out in it. :D

this came to light months and months ago - like, last april - but there's a tiny piece of the wright brothers' very first plane on the mars rover's tiny helicopter. a stamp-sized piece of the fabric that covered one of the wings, taken with permission from the brothers' great-grandniece and great-grandnephew. how cool is that? apparently neil armstrong also took a tiny piece of fabric and a tiny piece of wood with him on apollo 11.

tiny child dresses up as queen elizabeth for halloween, complete with corgis. tiny child's mom sends a photo to the queen on a whim. the queen writes back. altho it would be more accurate to say the queen's lady-in-waiting wrote back, but apparently lizzie was tickled by the image of a tiny child dressed like her, especially since the two corgis in the picture with her are her best friends.

we now know what the mysterious "hut" spotted by china's moon rover is. a rock. shocker. :| it's been nicknamed jade rabbit because close up it looks like a bunny.

challenge #4: make a wishlist!

1 well, i got snow so i don't have to wish for that....

2 i know a lot of people say this, because it's a good wish, but i'd love art or podfic or moodboards or playlists or anything, really, of any of my fics. i have a shit-ton of original fic along with the fanfic, so the master list of everything is here on dw and the master list of not quite everything is here on ao3.

(i do have a transformative works statement, and it's basically "have fun, go nuts, let me know when you're done so i can squee".)

3 uh... anyone want to draw some of the knights of the round table as contemporary women in their early thirties? :D well, galahad is more mid-late twenties. (finished my story for writing group at almost the last minute and got some nice comments on it. now i want to rewrite the story of tristan and iseult so a. tristan doesn't die and b. they can be girls.)

4 something new to watch! what's good? what are y'all watching? for basic reference, i'm in the us and have access to netflix, prime, and disney+, and i'd prefer something that's either ongoing but doesn't have a ton of seasons to catch up on, or is done but, uh, doesn't have a ton of seasons. (i can't say i have commitment issues when it comes to tv because i watched criminal minds live for eleven seasons and spn for seven and a half, but facing down that many episodes is kind of a lot when you're starting from zero.) genre-wise, i dunno. i'll try almost anything once.

5 pretty sure i got this from another snowflake (and can't remember who! i'm sorry, fellow snowflake!) and it's not really a wish for me, altho i guess it could be, but leave comments on the fics you read. ditto for fanart and fancrafts and all the other nifty things fans make. let folks know you appreciate their work.

outer space, snow, snowflake challenge, little kids are the cutest

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