it's been a while, hasn't it

Jul 04, 2021 00:22

so it's been over a week, huh. since we last talked, i went to an actual birthday brunch at an actual restaurant for tamalinn's birthday - last saturday - and then we went back to her house to play cards against humanity - it was like the before times! and lots of fun. i posted my bang and have gotten some nice comments, including at least one about the author's note. why don't more people write author's notes for their longer fics? because they totally should. i did not die of the heat altho mother nature tried really hard. ("how do you survive without air conditioning?" dear-tiger asked me. "lots of fans and occasionally i stick my head in the freezer," i said. farwing did the smart thing and went into work.) it was awful, seriously. on the plus side, i don't live in coastal washington or oregon. jeebus. mother nature must hate the pnw.

if you live in an unusually hot part of the us - or an usually hot part of the world, actually - stay cool as much as you can! and don't forget to hydrate.

my sister and i were tentatively going to go to ikea today but then it was too late and i didn't think to call her last night to maybe make a firm plan. >.< chances are the things i want/need (outdoor furniture, mostly, and a hook for the clothes rod in my closet) are either going to be sold out or not the kind of thing ikea has. seriously, where do you find a heavy-duty hook or two that you can screw into the bottom of a shelf to help hold up a 4" clothes rod? i have a bracket but i also have doubts about screwing it into the back of the closet. like, i think it's plaster.

anyway i went to her house for dinner - we ordered burgers and watched the first fast and the furious (she saw #9 during the week when it was so hot, for the air conditioning) and the end of cacw which is still not one of my favorite mcu movies. i still resent the fact that it's only about half captain america 3, and a quarter avengers 2.5 and a quarter iron man 3.5.

yesterday i had the day off for july 4th and i got my comics and went to clover for lunch and it was so normal and so pleasant even tho the weather was kind of gross. i bought pajama tops and an extension cord, and then i came home and freed my desk and plugged in my work laptop so i don't have to keep sitting on the couch. yay. next step - ordering a new bed! putting shit underneath it! making more space! ish.

it's been raining off and on since wednesday and it's SO NICE. SO, SO NICE. the grass is happy too. and the plants on the back porch. we have tiny tomato!

they're apparently sungold (i think?) tomatoes, which means they'll be orange. every day i go outside to look at it to see if it's ready to eat yet.

adopt a kitty, propose to your girlfriend. i love the way the guy holds out the kitten so it looks like he's offering his girlfriend an engagement cat instead of a ring. and the woman's O.O face is priceless. (she said yes.)

listen to mars! again! this sound clip brought to you by china's zhurong rover. this will never get old.

the story of the bicycle bank robber - dude trained for the olympics, didn't make it, turned to bank robbery. and was successful! for a while.

orchestral horn section plays prank on conductor by breaking into the imperial march from star wars. they crack themselves up. to be fair, it's a fun prank.

moving, wtf, we're havin' a heat wave, star wars, fun with my sister, music, outer space, fun with friends, how cute is this, cats, quartet for a haunting, weekend wrapup, green growing things

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