all these shit kitchens are OFFENSIVE. cowgirls however are really cool.

Apr 15, 2021 23:30

so i may or may not have made a chocolate mug cake at 10:30 because i was craving a brownie. CRAVING. i feel much better now. :D

misheard at writing group: a show called butter for the king. (it's apparently actually letter for the king, and it's on netflix. i prefer butter. butter for the king sounds like the story of a dairy farmer who falls in love with the monarch. and it's butter! butter is like cheese's spreadable cousin, and who doesn't like cheese? right?)

it turns out all i had to do to fix my trackpad issues was force a shutdown and restart. >.< so now everything works again. yay.

farwing and i found a listing for a nice-looking apartment today. she called and left a message, and someone called back to say the tenants are going to stay another year. which, well, i've seen some pictures, i can't totally blame them. bummer for us, tho.

we also found a place literally around the corner from me that looked great until we got to pictures of the kitchen. it was... small. and cheap. and the rest of the apartment wasn't. i was almost offended on behalf of the lovely china cabinet and all the attractive woodwork.

the symbolism of the medieval haircut - way back in the day, you could effectively dethrone (and massively disrespect) a king by cutting off his hair.

meet caitlin gooch - the black cowgirl behind a literacy program that combines reading and horseback riding. because childhood literacy is great and little kids on horses is great and black cowgirls are amazing.

this is not a horse poem. :D

after Wisława Szymborska

In my dreams,
I lasso a wild steer on the first try.

I chauffeur Picasso
To meet up with Dali-
None of us is happy about this summit.

After licking my fingertips,
I play guitar masterfully.

I use index cards to make sense
Of the universe.

I discover my childhood cat in the neighbor’s tree-
So that’s where you’ve been, you little rascal.

I beg the alligator, por favor,
To make a snap judgement,
Will it be my leg or my arm?

Picture me swimming with dolphins.
Picture me with these dolphins
Sitting in lawn chairs.

I’m full of gratitude-
The lightbulb comes on
When the refrigerator door is opened.

Yes, I’m the scientist who solved laryngitis-
Now all of us howl at our own pleasure.

I get to throw a trophy from a moving car.
When I park my car,
I’m awarded another trophy-
Someone above is giving me a second chance.

--"In Praise of Dreams", Gary Soto

writing group, april is poetry month, baked goods, apartment hunting, hair, cowgirls, beaten by the technology, medieval nifty

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