ugh, technology

Apr 14, 2021 23:54

the trackpad on my laptop isn't working - it tracks, it just doesn't click, so i can move the cursor around but i can't open anything. so that's fun. it's only about nine months old. there may be a visit to a genius bar in my future, yay. (i'm on the work laptop.)

in better news, uh, queen of the south is back? which i mention mostly because i'm watching it right now. :D it's the last season and there's a lot going on, and i'm enjoying it.

and now for some poetry. :D

that boy who told me: pass
some honey from your hive
I answered: give me some back
on your tongue
& he got angry, yelled:
shall we two sin against the living God?
I answered, let your sin,
sweet master, be with me

--Samuel ibn Naghrillah (translated by Jerome Rothenberg and Harris Lenowitz)

beaten by the technology, queen of the south, april is poetry month

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