it's just the radio

Jul 15, 2020 23:24

happy birthday
musesfool! welcome to the grumpy old lady years. :D with cake!

dancing boys: *high kicks*

because you're never too old for dancing boys.

there's a tiny island off the coast of maine and nova scotia that seems to belong to canada. not everyone agrees.

the kung fu nuns of kathmandu - actual buddhist nuns who actually practice actual kung fu.

basil pesto cake. come for the wtf, stay for the slide show. i would totally eat this, for the record. and not just because it has chocolate frosting, either.

if you need a laugh and/or facepalm, enjoy some covid-related shop signs, of the "please wear a mask" variety.

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day 15: a song you like that's a cover by another artist - sonic youth, superstar

badass women, adventures in quarantine, psa, oh canada, baked goods, 30 day music meme

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