i didn't think anything much happened this past week worth sharing

May 18, 2020 01:07

happy unbirthdays to chemm80 and donutsweeper! look, if i'm late enough, it's unbirthday time. :D i hope your days were good, whatever you did or whoever you did it with. ideally there was cake.

dancing boys: *shimmy*

i panic-bought chicken sausage at the grocery store today, which is such a weird thing to panic-buy. i was there about 9:30 and the place was mostly empty, which was also weird. mostly empty but well-stocked, at least, altho the deli didn't have my turkey. hmph.

yesterday at zoom brunch we were joined by a bunch of farm animals! they were at heartland farm sanctuary in wisconsin, and tamalinn found them through goat 2 meeting. an energetic woman named jen took her device around the sanctuary and introduced us to goats (including one that only had one horn, making her... a unicorn :D ) and pigs (including harriet, who is large and in charge) and geese (SO CHATTY) and llamas (SO CHILL). the llamas had recently been shaved, which in jen's words made them "look like naked giraffes". it was so fun, and if you have some spare bucks and want to bring some adorable farm animals into your zoom chats, i highly recommend it.

later i took a nice walk and saw a woman with a tiny dog in a dog stroller (it was more square than a regular baby stroller, and there were pawprints printed on the side) (i didn't know such things existed), and then i *gasp* went to my sister's house and saw her in person for the first time in two months. we ordered food (which was a project because we couldn't find a place that was open and didn't have extortionate delivery charges) and watched bad education. it's the story of the biggest public school embezzlement scandal in us history, and we wanted to see it because it happened in the district where we went to high school. the story broke years after we graduated, tho. it was weird to watch as someone who knows the town where the story's set, and who looked at the building they used for exterior shots of the high school and went "...that's not the high school". (the district understandably wanted nothing to do with the movie, so aside from some establishing shots of the town center (me and my sister: "omg, it's the clock tower!") none of it was shot where the story actually happened.) the movie is actually pretty accurate, and if i wasn't so distracted by the fact that none of it looked right, i might have enjoyed it a lot more. it's well done and i did like it, altho allison janney's new york accent was, uh, well, no one will ever confuse her for a local.

yesterday morning claims opened up for spn-j2-bigbang and no one picked my summary until the second round (TODAY), which made me feel like the last kid picked for kickball. i was eventually claimed by someone whose art i know and like, so it worked out ok. demoralizing until then, tho.

friday night there was SUCH A STORM. rain, wind, thunder, lightning. it was fabulous.

in a week and a half nasa is launching a spacex rocket to take a couple of astronauts to the iss, and is inviting the greater public to participate in an online social event. you have to apply to join a facebook group and they're clearly looking for people who are active on several social media platforms and will (presumably) advertise nasa and spacex for free. you can still watch without all that, tho. personally i think the prospect of getting to see astronauts conveyed to the iss from the comfort of my own couch is SUPER COOL. i can do without the forced facebooking, tho.

a dad in memphis threw a graduation for his daughter when her college shut down and she couldn't walk with the rest of her class. he built a stage and a podium and played the graduation march, and congratulatory neighbors cheered from the street.

the owner of a restaurant in virginia plans to seat mannequins at the tables when his place reopens, since he'll have to limit the number of diners and i guess he wants to have some fun with a half-empty restaurant. personally i'd be too creeped out to eat there.

boss bitch fight challenge! or, "zoe bell, stuntwoman and actress, enlists a bunch of friends to virtually beat each other up to help cure her of her boredom." it's really fun. also there's a puppy.

animated how-to for making sushi, including some, uh, emotional steps.

"tom hardy buys massive leeks" is not a headline i thought i'd see. but there it is. tom and a pair of legitimately giant leeks. what a world this is.

lin-manuel miranda and his brand-new father-in-law and a bunch of other people sang to life, from fiddler on the roof, to his new bride at their wedding. i am amused as hell and kind of earwormed.

wtf, adventures in quarantine, doggie love, ah nostalgia, sushi, fun with my sister, outer space, parenting, tom hardy, movies, fun with friends, lin-manuel miranda, psa, bigbang 2020

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