this is mostly tv and nice weather

May 11, 2020 01:21

happy mother's day to the mothers in the audience! i hope your kid(s) and/or partner treated you well. and those of you whose moms are still around and who have a good relationship with them, i hope you called/texted/yelled down the stairs/whatever, to tell them you love them. also, if you need a mom you can borrow mine. :D

today was SO NICE i took a long walk in it and may or may not have taken a bunch of pictures of pink trees. >.< it's like a compulsion. they're so fluffy! there was also no line to get into the grocery store, and they had a good meat selection, a lot of pasta, and *gasp* flour. O.O which means if blueberries are on sale next week i can make muffins. :D there was a guy getting very excited about the paper towels when i went down that aisle ("oh yeah, oh, nice").

and then my power went out! around noon! thwarting me in my attempt to watch house flipper shows! hmph. the electric company is doing work on my street. my landlady - ie, the homeowner - supposedly got a notice but did not share. it was only out about ten minutes. it also went out friday night (same reason), thwarting me in my attempt to watch hollywood, and was out at least an hour, because that's how long i waited to go to bed. i woke up at almost three and could hear my radiator hissing (good sign) and a random noise that i determined was people talking. which turned out to be my tv. which had come back on when the power did. >.<

last night my sister and i watched self made, a miniseries about madam cj walker, america's first self-made black female millionaire. it was more "based on" than strictly accurate, but i liked it. altho it stars octavia spencer and i like her, so it's not like it was a hard sell. madam made her fortune on hair care products for black ladies, and she was pretty tough.

i watched all of hollywood and while i liked it and really enjoyed the appearances of actual people, it was so much a fairy tale and so wildly anachronistic in some ways that it kind of kicked me out of the story. on the other hand, the actors had good chemistry with each other and the costumes were amazing. so many fabulous hats. has anyone else seen it? what did you think?

i also finished the umbrella academy, and wow, cliffhanger.

three ap photographers won a pulitzer for their coverage of the indian crackdown in kashmir. especially impressive when you consider that india had such tight control over the place that the photographers had to ask total strangers at the airport to take memory cards and thumb drives of photos to the ap office in new delhi, because that was the only way the pics were ever getting out of kashmir.

you can buy a dog or cat bed shaped like a giant cup noodle. they come in udon, soba, and ramen. so delicious and fuzzy!

wtf, adventures in quarantine, doggie love, photography, psa, the umbrella academy, weekend wrapup, hollywood

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