goodbye and good riddance

Dec 31, 2019 14:29

o my flist, what a year. it feels like it lasted a decade. politically the us was a trash fire, altho at least we managed to impeach the cheeto-in-chief. california caught fire, as did australia and notre dame, someone shot up a couple of mosques in new zealand - proving the us doesn't have a monopoly on dumbshits with firearms - what a disappointing thing to export, tho - hong kong's been protesting for half the year, the us abandoned the kurds in syria, and the uk is bound and determined to leave the eu. but also, taiwan legalized same-sex marriage, and that's legitimately really cool.

a disgruntled racist from out of town shot up a walmart in el paso, and a hundred people turned out for one guy's wife's funeral, because he didn't have any local family. the us team won the women's world cup. again. :D i was in atlanta for my cousin's daughter's wedding and watched with other cousins. the only other place i went this year was florida, altho i came home from cuba and that was pretty fabulous. i lost my job, found a job, and really like it, altho i'm still contract and don't love that. i didn't realize how much i didn't like about my old job until i had a new one. avengers: endgame was a disappointment. the rise of skywalker wasn't (overall). i came back to therealljidol which means i wrote more than just a bang and nano and the occasional thing for writing group. and i actually claimed a prompt for j2-reversebang, for once. i saw my parents A LOT, mostly for family functions (bar mitzvahs, birthdays, weddings, funerals, passover, thanksgiving). i tried to be a good friend and a good sister and a good daughter, but i don't think it's for me to say how well i succeeded.

i still love where i live. i'm still glad you're all a part of my life. you're weirdos and i love you, and i hope 2020 is good for you.

at the gate of the year, the god of doorways is chasing his tail.

don't forget to shut the door if you're the last one out of 2019. it shouldn't be allowed to escape into 2020.

new year's

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