well it was kind of a monday

Jul 02, 2019 01:34

oh my flist, today was a monday. by which i mean i lost my security badge for work between a. walking out of the building to eat lunch outside, and b. walking back in after my lunch hour was over. >.< this is only the second time i've lost it, altho the first one i lost somewhere in the office. this one i think just fell off me somewhere outside. >.<

on the other hand, on my way home i stopped at the corner for the light to turn so i could cross, and i was waiting next to a woman and her dog. i was about to ask her if i could pet her dog - because the dog was well-behaved and cute and standing RIGHT THERE - when she (the dog) started licking my hand. ok then! i received permission to pet and told the dog she was a good dog. (she was a good dog.) so the day was redeemed a little bit.

also it was very quiet because this is a short week, and when it's that quiet i have a hard time concentrating which means i have a hard time getting shit done. the same thing happened friday, just with more slack.

yesterday i met my sister for brunch (french toast, yum), got my comics (well, comic), went to the grocery store, and walked out into absolute pouring rain. a bunch of people were standing in the entrance to the store waiting for it to stop, so i waited with them until i realized i could be waiting half an hour, and i wanted to go home and put my milk in the fridge. so when the rain slowed a little i popped open my umbrella and made a run for it. i got home, dried off, eventually ran errands with tamalinn. talked to my parents, watched claws (still batshit) (so batshit), the usual. and saturday i got rained on too! i drove an hour and change south of boston to hang out with chaneen - we walked along the beach and had lunch (fried clams, yum) and rode an old carousel, and i got to see her parents' house which is big and old and apparently a nationally registered hysteric historic house - so it was right in my wheelhouse - i was almost home when it started to storm, i mean it was bucketing down, thunder, lightning, everything, and i got soaked between jumping out of my car and getting to my house. i even had an umbrella. >.< and then i took a nap. >.< and that night was tamalinn's birthday party at (coincidence!) the bar down the street from me, because she wanted to do karaoke. i went as moral support. :D altho we all got up and sang the beatles' happy birthday song to her, so i do karaoke if i can be with a lot of people onstage. i mean, i sing in the car because no one can hear me. there were people with good voices and people who should not be allowed to sing in public, and one girl who commented halfway through that she didn't actually know the song. oy. but it was fun.

are there any podficcers out there? you might be interested to know that the bbc has released 16k sound clips for non-commercial use. well, this could be fun for non-podficcers too. if you look under "birds" you'll see a recording of an "indisposed chicken". heh.

i'm watching legion which makes approximately zero sense, altho it never made any sense, and mostly i'm watching it because it looks really neat.

legion, doggie love, weather, new job second floor, cool shit, ugh monday, fun with friends, weekend wrapup

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