i have somehow become the go-to person for printing and mailing k-1s for new york. i have no idea how or why, or who (and how) i can even ask. it's not like i have copious free time to print 158 (got that job yesterday) of these things and pack them up. new york is a much bigger office with way more admins and interns to tap for stupid administrative tasks. why they're sending this shit to me i have no idea. ugh. i just need people to stop giving me shit for like two days, so i can catch up.
yesterday for a hot minute i thought it was tuesday, because by the end of the day the morning felt like it happened a week earlier. possibly my sense of the passage of time is wonky.
also yoga is hard! i have three more classes left of my free trial, and they're all advanced. >.< i need to do them, tho, and i think yoga is something i'd genuinely like. you know, if i wasn't taking an advanced class. >.< i like the instructor, even when she does things that i would never in a million years be able to do, like rest her knees on her upper arms so she can stand on her hands, and i just have to power through. and then i need to find more online yoga so i can keep doing it and theoretically stop being stiff and sore the next morning.
i spent most of the weekend with my sister finishing the photobook for our parents, and it's DONE. and should be delivered on saturday. woot. i think mom and dad will be surprised and i hope they like it. i think it looks good, anyway. and putting it together was a nostalgia trip and a half.
and then we lost embarrassingly at curling - AGAIN - i don't think we've won a game all season. oy. it's been fun, tho.
so the all-female space walk that was supposed to happen this month... is not happening. because the iss doesn't have enough spacesuits of appropriate size. did it never occur to anyone to check the size of the available suits before they planned this? i am disappoint.
the graphic design of bricks. apparently they all have maker's marks on top - or at least they do in the uk - which you'd never know because they tend to be stacked on top of each other. so this publisher put out a book of brick graphics. neat! and very niche.