well yesterday was a day. :| so was tuesday. travel is now the bane of my existence - i now know that amtrak won't let you book a round trip if it includes a flight as well as a train. see, the very special partner asked me to book her a round trip to new york - fly down, train back, one night at a hotel, piece of cake. seriously, it's a really easy trip to book. except because amtrak reservations is a bag of dicks, i had to make three separate reservations - one for the flight, one for the train, and one for the hotel because the travel booking system at work wouldn't let me do it online so i had to call the travel agency. and every time i call them is at least half an hour. also, and this is totally not her fault, the very special partner is going to salt lake city for a conference next weekend. down monday, back friday, easy. except there was very briefly a meeting on thursday she wanted to go to. so i changed her flight back so she could be here for it, and the next day someone canceled it. >.< so of course she wants to stay in slc so she can attend the entire conference - makes sense - so i call the travel agency because you have to make all your travel changes in person, so i can change her flight back to the original days a day after i've already changed it, and learn... now it's almost $500 more. O.O ($200 fee to change the flight + $293 fare difference.) wtf, delta. so i ask the partner if that's ok, should i change the flight for the second time in two days, and she says no, don't bother, she'll come back wednesday. which was good, because, again, every time i call the travel agency it's at least half an hour on the phone and i seriously didn't have time for that shit. so much busy, so so much.
also so much scattered, so so much. and i made a rookie mistake on tuesday. >.< not tax-threatening, but really dumb.
on the other hand, today was weirdly chill for being the day before a major deadline. i gave myself a paper cut (well, technically a metal cut, because i did it on one of the prongs we use to bind client copies of tax returns) (i didn't bleed on anything, go me) but other than that it was a fairly straightforward day. well, except that one of the tax guys is from wisconsin and his parents sent the entirety of tax a busy season care package of CHEESE. also crackers and chocolate-covered craisins and things that don't start with c jam and beef jerky and, uh, maple syrup, but mostly CHEESE. good cheese, too.
saturday i volunteered at the curling club because we hosted a college bonspiel and they always need volunteers for bonspiels. i got to help make food, taste-test food (macaroni salad, lobster rolls, turkey meatballs) (also baked beans and chowder, but i didn't taste those), and figure out where food was going to be served from. there were a lot of people there! i thought we were just hosting teams from the northeast, but no - there were teams from oklahoma, nebraska, one of the dakotas, and i think wisconsin. so many college kids cluttering up the place. it was fun, tho. and then after that i hustled my ass forty-five minutes away for a reading of a play that one of the guys in my writing group wrote, except i never made it because THERE WAS NOWHERE TO PARK. sigh.
sunday i met my sister for brunch, got my comics, went to the grocery store, added some words to my bang. i want to rewrite half of it but it's already 17k and it's the middle of march and do i have time? and i still have no idea how it ends.
one of the things i really love about the magicians is that sometimes it is so fucking weird.
like, dragon porn is a plot point in the most recent episode. dragonriders of porn. :D and the elixir is dragon spooge. and quentin wants to name poppy's dragonbaby falkor. and penny shouldn't kinkshame. and voodoo dolls for fucking are still fucking voodoo dolls. but mostly DRAGON PORN IS A PLOT POINT. wtf. i love it.
the loneliest road in america - it's in buttfuck nowhere, nevada, altho to be fair i think a lot of nevada is probably buttfuck nowhere. it's an attractive nowhere, tho.
nasa is gearing up for its
first all-female spacewalk. ladies in space! neat!
you know all that fine print at the bottom of your insurance policy that you never read? a woman in georgia bought travel insurance, read the fine print,
and won $10,000. the insurance company did that to point out how important it is to read the fine print.