people occasionally talked to me in french and i couldn't understand them

Jul 26, 2018 02:18

What I just finished reading:
restless (not reckless, self), which was kind of mis-sold. i mean, the blurb on the back says that someone's trying to kill one of the main characters - the spy - and that she has a new plan that involves her daughter, and i kept waiting for her to be even remotely threatened. i came away thinking she's just terminally paranoid, altho to be fair the book might have been making that exact point. there are basically two stories - the spy and her fellow spies and their work during ww2, and the spy's grown daughter in 1976 dealing with learning about her mom's secretive past. i liked the ww2 parts more than the present-day parts, altho i could not for the life of me figure out what the spy contingent was doing in new york.

i also started and finished goldie vance vol 2, written by hope larson and drawn by brittney williams, which was just as cute as vol 1 but with the addition of girls training to be astronauts.

What I am reading now:
the long way to a small, angry planet, by becky chambers, because i was feeling it for something spacey. i'm not that far into it but so far, so spacey.

What I'm going to read next:
i don't know! i never know. goldie vance vol 3?

i mentioned that i was going to montreal, didn't i? because i went to montreal. :D i drove myself and tamalinn, which was fine going up and slightly more of a trial coming back because a. we hit a dead stop in vermont thanks to an accident, and b. tamalinn unplugged my ipod after four songs (i have a nice long driving playlist) to plug in her phone so we could listen to her music, and while i like sarah bareilles well enough i only know one of her songs and she's not my top singer to listen to while i'm driving. i should've reminded tamalinn that driver picks the music and shotgun shuts her cakehole. did i also mention that i did pretty much all the planning for this trip, even tho it was her idea? i did, and it was. she thanked me several times, at least, and seemed pretty grateful, but still. eh, next time i'll speak up.

on the other hand, i did have a good time. the weather wasn't fabulous - hot and humid and we got rained on, altho we got a good breeze monday and tuesday - and we walked EVERYWHERE OH MY GOD. my calves are still sore. >.< we saw some pretty parts of the city, tho, and we climbed mont royal (which was a terrible idea even tho it was my idea) for the view, and took a couple of good walking tours, and ate a lot. i enjoyed the poutine. also the bagels. and the smoked meat. and the, uh, butter chicken. (monday night we were finally tired of walking so we took the metro back to the hotel and ate dinner at an english type pub across the street.) (the metro felt so open and clean! and even tho most of the signage around the city is in english and french, the announcements on the metro are all in french.) (like half of montrealers speak french as a first language, and i think 35% speak something other than french or english.) saturday we discovered a random open-air food festival while we were walking around, so that was lunch - paella! - and sunday was a foodie walking tour (falafel, chocolates with maple centers, bagels, gnocchi with tomato sauce, charcuterie (with THE BEST fennel sausage), and ice cream - chocolate and red berry swirl) which was fun because the guide was really good, even tho we got rained on! and there were three bros from philadelphia who were loud and talkative and at least one of them spent the tour macking on these two girls in the group. just... ugh. but the food! and the rowhouses! the entrance stairs go up to the second floor because the rowhouses were originally built for factory workers and their ginormous families (like, ten or twelve kids) and putting the stairs outside saved space on the inside. i was totally fascinated by the rowhouses and all the murals and so took A LOT of pics of buildings. monday was a late afternoon tour of old montreal (no brotastic fellow tourists) (but humidity >.< ) and tuesday we went to marche jean-talon, which is a big open air market with folks who let us try their cheese. :D also tiny yellow berries called golden berries, which i'd never heard of but which look like tiny tomatillos in crepey skins. one of the girls at that stall let me taste one, and it tasted like a cross between a berry and a really sweet grape tomato. weird! but cool! i love food markets in foreign countries. was kind of a foodie weekend, i guess. with excessive amounts of walking and admiration of rowhouses and parks and the basilica, which was was crowded and gorgeous. we walked by a hospital that looked like the setting for a haunted-house movie. it was CREE-PEE.

the bed in the hotel was very, very comfortable, altho one night my calf was so crampy i couldn't sleep. >.< so much walking, seriously.

work today was busy, unsurprisingly. not too bad, considering. and i have a lot of tv to catch up on. two down (pose and preacher), several to go. pose is now done for the season, so if you're the kind of person who prefers to binge, it's eight episodes and it's kind of a fairy tale. and! and! killjoys is back! \o\ /o/ \o\ /o/ it's very exciting. we got some ass-kicking, some dutch and johnny, some lucy - good stuff.

fun with friends, pose, vacation, killjoys, wednesday reading meme, oh canada

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