there's a lot of cute towards the end here

Feb 06, 2018 01:11

so last weekend i dropped one of my rings and when it rolled away down the pavement and i worried it was going to roll into the grass and be lost, i... stepped on it to stop it. and flattened it. >.< i took it to a jeweler near work on friday and explained what an idiot i was, and the guy said "it will be ten bucks, when can you come get it?" and i said after work, since i leave at five-thirty and the place closed at six. so of course my laptop picked then to update for twenty minutes, so i got to the jewelry store as it was closing, meaning they'd shut down the card machine, meaning i had to pay cash, meaning i gave the guy the six bucks i had in my wallet after he told me to come back on monday and pay the remaining four. so i went back today to give him the four bucks i still owed, and i think he was surprised i did that. but hey, he let me take my ring home without fully paying for it - and yes, i know it was just four bucks, but he asked me twice on friday if i would be ok going home with no cash in my wallet - and i want to be honest.

and then i got a passport photo taken, and you're apparently not supposed to smile with teeth. so i look weird. whatever, it's not like a lot of people are ever going to see my passport.

yesterday i had 2200 words on my bigbang and was legitimately kind of depressed about it in specific and my writing in general - it's a cute idea but there's no story there, and i was just down on myself for not having any new plot bunnies that were at all different from old plot bunnies, and seriously, those 2200 words weren't good. i cycled through a couple of genuinely dumb variations to the bunny before i hit on a totally new one, which is silly but fun, and now i feel better about it. and i don't even have to do a shit-ton of research. :D i'm 99.44% sure i'm going to need whatever writing challenges come out of omgspnbigbang, tho, because currently i have no words and it's already february.

saturday night my sister and i saw all the money in the world - we seem to be trying to watch as many oscar-nominated movies as possible - and i think i liked it, altho because it's based on real things that happened to real people, i kept wondering what was true and what was embellished to make a better story, and what backstory were we missing? also, mark wahlberg isn't that great an actor. he's not terrible but christopher plummer and michelle williams are so much better, and he's just not that exciting to watch in this movie. also also? john paul getty senior does not come off well at all. he makes exactly one good point about not wanting to pay the ransom after his grandson, who he professes to love, is kidnapped - he has fourteen grandkids, and if he pays the ransom for one, suddenly he'll have fourteen kidnapped grandkids. which really is a good point. but the $17m the kidnappers originally ask for is pocket change - getty was worth literally a billion dollars - and for all that he loved his grandson, he apparently didn't want to pay the tax penalty on the money that would've freed the kid. so he comes across as a guy who loves things more than people, which might have even been accurate.

getty senior is of course played by christopher plummer, and the kidnapped grandson paul is played by a guy named... charlie plummer. heh. no relation, tho. and timothy hutton is in it, which i wouldn't have known without the credits, because i didn't recognize him AT ALL.

i've already linked an interview with jameela jamil from the good place, so have an equally fab interview with manny jacinto, who in addition to being a super cute interview is also unfairly good-looking. i mean. UN. FAIR.

avi cantor has six months to live - a short story (possibly a novelette? i don't know how long it actually is) about a jewish trans boy named avi and a vaguely witchy trans boy named ian, and it's harsh, a little magic realist, and ultimately very sweet.

they're good dogs brent - it's a vid. full of dogs. they're all such good dogs. you should watch it if you need a pick-me-up.

turkigami, by which i mean instructions on how to make an origami roast turkey. it's so weird and cute. i mean, roast turkey?

is anyone else watching the alienist? i can't be having with elle fanning's stiff, gravity-defying leg-o-mutton sleeves, but i'm enjoying the show even with all the murder and death and mutilated bodies. and! and there's a pair of nice jewish twins (fraternal, also adorable) who have introduced the brand-new science of fingerprint evidence to the investigation. i'm all in for nice jewish twins. one of them even has the hots for a cute socialist girl.

movie review, the good place, doggie love, sometimes i'm kind of an idiot, bigbang 2018, sometimes people are great, the alienist, fic recs, kickstarter, origami

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