stuff and nonsense

Nov 19, 2017 04:07

i haven't done thefridayfive in a while.

1. What are you thankful for this year or are you just happy it’s nearly over?
i'm thankful for my weird nerdy friends. :D i'll probably say it again on thursday. i'm not sorry the year's almost over, altho i don't think next year will be much less of a trash fire.

2. When you have a traditional family get together, be it Thanksgiving, Christmas or for some other reason, is there a dish that you just have to have or something is missing?
it's just not thanksgiving without pumpkin pie. also a baked brie. (this year we're going out, so the brie is less important. the pumpkin pie, not so much.)

3. Do you like turkey?
i do!

4. Do you anticipate or dread family get-togethers?
usually anticipate, sometimes just... accept that they're going to happen. i don't dread the actual get-together, but sometimes i dread how long they're going to last and how hard it's going to be to extricate myself when i'm peopled out.

5. If you could get your family/friends to listen to you at one of these gathers, really listen to you, what would you say to them?
probably "shut up and let me finish my story". we, uh, interrupt and talk over each other a lot.

i can't believe thanksgiving is next week. my parents are up from florida and i haven't heard any complaints from them about how cold it is! i also haven't seen them and they've been here since wednesday, but whatever, they have stuff to do and people to see, and i'll be with them for a big chunk of next week. also tomorrow my sister is having them and me over for brunch. :D

the nanonovel continues to proceed apace. i just made the town suffer a tornado but i don't what kind of damage i want to inflict on everyone. how many chickens should blow away? that kind of thing. the boston wrimos usually have a twenty-four-hour write-in, but i guess the guy who organizes it isn't doing it this year. which is a bummer, because i always do the overnight part and can get 7000-8000 words written that way. i'm a little ahead anyway, but i miss the endurance of seven hours of overnight writing, fueled by tea and taco chips and fruit and hard-boiled eggs. and fig newtons. those of you who are nano-ing (i think there are two of you?), how's it going?

wednesday night i met tamalinn for mac and cheese at the bar/tavern/saloon down the street and around the corner from me. a whole menu of mac and cheese. mine had beer cheese sauce with wursts (i can't tell the difference between knockwursts and bratwursts) on top. soooo good.

mattel now has a barbie in a hijab! she's modeled after ibtihaj muhammad, the first american hijabi olympian. she's a fencer, so the new barbie is wearing a fencing outfit and carrying a sabre. neat, huh?

astronomers discovered another relatively local earth-like planet. by "relatively local" i mean "near the solar system". also neat!

sydney residents voted to name a new sydney harbor ferry ferry mcferryface. hee.

i am way too tired to still be awake, and yet... i'm still awake. oy, self. go to bed.

outer space, australia is such a weird place, fun with friends, you know i never sleep, nanowrimo, fun with the fam, friday five

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