i did a lot yesterday and not much today, and nano is imminent

Oct 30, 2017 00:39

NANO STARTS AFTER MIDNIGHT ON TUESDAY AND I AM VERY EXCITED. i have no actual story but i do have a setting and a bunch of characters, only three of whom have names. i think the pov character has a name but i don't like it. >.< if you're also doing nano, good luck! if you're not, i apologize in advance for the whining. :D

someone organized a kind of care package swap for nanoers, and i got paired with someone in washington. (state, not dc.) i may or may not have gone slightly overboard on the chocolate. >.< her nanonovel is going to be about teens and twentysomethings who build an amusement park with a spaceport theme, and everything is fun and games until the aliens show up. so i was looking for (and found!) outer space themed candy. and chocolate with a glittery candy shell. we have a price limit so i couldn't go totally nuts, but the temptation was strong.

so i did that yesterday, returned something at target, and went day drinking with tamalinn. (she'd had a Week.) we went to night shift brewing, where we've been before, because you can sit outside and the weather was soooo nice. also it's right near target so we were in the neighborhood anyway. :D they were gearing up for a costume contest so there were a lot of people and very small children in costume. also dogs and lots of them. not in costume, disappointingly enough. because tamalinn dragged me to the brewery i dragged her to the comic shop, then we got food (tuna melt, yum), and then it was cold. >.< my other cousin who has twins, his girltwin was alice in a production of alice in wonderland - i think she and her brother are ten? nine? - it was a community theater type place, and the kids in the play were probably aged seven to, like, twelve or thirteen. they were adorable. this particular production was apparently set in the 60s and while i think alice in wonderland would translate well to the 60s, a kids' production probably isn't the best way to do it. but did i mention that it was really cute? because it was really cute.

(the girltwin is CLEARLY her mother's favorite - my cousin's wife - she's not even subtle about it, and as i don't really want to encourage that kind of blatant favoritism, i originally wasn't going to see the play. my sister convinced me otherwise, because it's a family thing and we should be doing supportive things for our various cousins and their various kids. i think her response is the proper one, not mine.)

and today i sat on my ass a lot, went to the grocery store, and curled. we lost but it was a very close game and while i made some bad shots i made some good ones too.

i feel like i should have tv to comment on but aside from saying the good place was kind of sad but ultimately really sweet (and weird), i don't. the good place had a nice flan pun, too. (custard's last flan. :D ) criminal minds was a bit of "are they retconning an episode from nine or ten years ago?" but also had a touch of morgan/garcia that made me happy (they're my otp of otps). mr robot kindofsortof made sense, at least as much as it ever does. i love the music on that show.

i'm just a bill, yes i'm only a bill....

a cat burglar in japan who's wanted for 200 break-ins has been caught and revealed to be... a seventy-four-year-old retired dude. i guess that's one way to fill the days of your retirement.

someone was stealing pumpkins in st louis, and when the cops found the thieves (a couple of teenagers) and the stolen pumpkins (and a gourd), they posted a lineup to try and find the owners of all the pumpkins (and the gourd). a lot of them were even claimed. people recognize their own pumpkins.

the good place, mr robot, nanowrimo, fun with the fam, news of the weird, criminal minds, fun with friends, weekend wrapup, little kids in costume are the cutest

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