my husband tells me you're in sharks

Sep 05, 2017 00:51

my sister and i saw jaws tonight. it was showing at a theater near her as the last movie of a summer series. before the show the events manager at the theater came out to introduce it and ask if anyone was there seeing it for the first time, and a bunch of people raised their hands! which was pretty cool. people laughed at the funny parts and gasped at the sudden-dead-body-in-a-hole parts and everyone burst into applause when brody blew up the shark. ("smile, you son of a - " *BOOM*) it's still a really good movie.

i hope the americans on the flist had a relaxing and/or celebratory labor day (from those swell folks who brought you the weekend :D ), and that the non-americans had a good monday.

also, my phone works now. \o/ and i set the voice mail. \o/ so, you know, yay.

jaws, triumph over technology

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