i just wish ikea had coffee tables for small apartments

Sep 03, 2017 23:58

a week ago i switched my landline from verizon to comcast and yesterday there was no dial tone, and when i called from my cell i got a message saying the number was disconnected. after two phone calls, six customer service agents, and probably an hour talking to people, being put on hold, and getting transferred, i got an appointment with a tech. he came tonight. i think he fixed it, altho apparently it might just be my phone. if it's still not working tomorrow, it's the phone itself. i'm trying not to spend money this month so i hope i can find a phone for cheap.

friday we got out of work early and i ended up going to target with tamalinn because she moved house and needed some stuff, and this morning we went to ikea. the weather was crappy, it's move-in weekend for some colleges, and a lot of leases turn over in september, so a lot of people need furniture and house stuff, so it was a wee bit crowded. we had breakfast first (including swedish pancakes but sadly not meatballs) and tamalinn got a lot of stuff she needed and when we finally left, there was a huge line of cars waiting to get into the parking structure. clearly the lesson is "go early". i love ikea, tho, even when it's really crowded.

i'm really glad tomorrow is a holiday. i am in no way ready to go back to work. i need to take better advantage of my days off.

two old links about hurricane harvey:

some bakers in houston got trapped in their bakery so they spent their time baking bread for hurricane victims.

a furniture store opened its doors as a random shelter, and i first saw this mentioned when people were taking joel osteen (megachurch minister, for those who are unfamiliar) to task for not opening his church because (he said) the city hadn't asked him. (for those who don't know who joel osteen is, he's a tv evangelist minister. his megachurch seats like 1700 in the main sanctuary. he got some shit for not being particularly christian and refusing to open the doors of his church - which was structurally sound and not drowning - to flooded out houstonians.) but! unchristian tv prosperity preachers aside, the furniture store owner let people and their pets stay in his store, which is pretty fab.

and a bunch of links about things that aren't harvey:

there's a potato monument in boston. technically charlestown, and technically a monument to the potato-related history of the area, but still. potatoes.

THERE'S GOING TO BE A LIVE-ACTION BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL MOVIE. it looks just as bloody and violent as the manga! but seeing all the characters as real people instead of drawings is very weird.

have some pics of dog shows from the first few decades of the 20th century.

levi's acquires the oldest known pair of women's jeans. they didn't start making ladies' jeans until the 30s.

back in the middle ages, instead of highlighting something, people would draw a hand pointing to the sentence in question. also, because books were so expensive, you could protect yours with a curse.

i link this article, about translator who translated moby dick into macedonian (a language that by the way apparently has no marine/sailing vocabulary) mostly for the stuff on translating, which is really neat.

and this article is about the government office in germany that's tasked with finding the last remaining nazis and bringing them to justice. there's a definite deadline to the office's work, because the last remaining

frances glessner lees was a wealthy chicago woman who built tiny dioramas of actual murder scenes to help train homicide investigators. the miniatures, known as the nutshell studies of unexplained death, are getting their own exhibition at the smithsonian.

doggie love, medieval manuscripts, ikea, translating, historical clothes, bahstin, tiny things, nazi hunters, fun with friends, beaten by the technology, hurricane harvey, blade of the immortal

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