i'm hot and it makes me cranky

May 19, 2017 00:19

happy birthday dear-tiger! writer, rock climber, shameless enabler of plot bunnies, sharer of weird norwegian news. you're probably climbing a wall right now. and then, cake! eventually.

dancing goats: *bunny hop*

in other news, it was 92º today and i am not emotionally prepared for that kind of weather. but also, and this is actually a positive thing, i finished all my performance reviews! they're done! i can stop stressing about them! and apparently i give off enough of a clued-in vibe that i got to clue in the receptionist and one of the other admins. weird.

the receptionist turned me on to tunein, which is all online radio stations, so i have something to listen to when it's deathly quiet up in tax, so i don't go nuts. and i found the station i used to listen to in high school! 92.7 wlir, broadcasting from somewhere on long island. so i've been listening to that and feeling nostalgic. the only problem is occasionally i want to chairdance, and that doesn't seem professional.

i sat outside to eat my lunch - in the RIDICULOUS HEAT - and when i was trying to find a shady place to sit, i passed a group of girls who looked like they were on a field trip. i guessed high school age, all dressed in the same long black skirts and long-sleeve black shirts (possibly light sweaters?) with light blue button-downs underneath, all of them with long hair. long sleeves. long skirts. sneakers. (thankfully they weren't all wearing the exact same shoes.) in the 92º heat. what the hell. i figured they must be from a religious school, because seriously, who else would be so impractically dressed? at least one of them had her sweater tied around her waist, but she hadn't rolled up the button-down sleeves. just looking at them made me hot and sweaty in the unpleasant way.

about all i can say about the 100 last night is that it really is the show of "every decision is a horrible one". not only are there no easy answers, there are never solutions that don't result in someone's death, somehow.

there's going to be a dark crystal prequel. on netflix. what the fuck.

a brief history of the pencil. among other things, people used to use pieces of stale bread as erasers, before there were rubber erasers. there is also entirely unsurprisingly a pencil store in nyc.

ah nostalgia, weather, new job second floor, the dark crystal, cool shit, radio radio, psa, the 100, it's too hot for that

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