curling confuses me and my team is going to be surprised

Jan 06, 2017 00:21

i had to be at work half an hour early yesterday because there was a breakfast meeting at eight and i was apaprently the only person who could be there to meet it. so i was sitting at reception at eight, waiting for breakfast to show up. and waiting. and waiting. and in the meantime one of the tax guys from the new york office was sitting in the cafe with the six or eight people who were in his meeting, all of them wondering where their breakfast was. their breakfast was fifteen or twenty minutes late. i could've slept another fifteen minutes! hmph. on the other hand, i got to leave half an hour early, and used the time to go to primark and buy some long sleeve t-shirts. their atmosphere shirts (long sleeve, stretchy, v-neck or crew neck, lots of colors, also stripes) are my new favorite thing. (they're five bucks. this is possibly partly why they're my new favorite thing.)

on the other hand, it took me until late morning today to recover from having to get up half an hour early yesterday. what the hell, self.

the curling schedule and list of teams is out for the second half of the season - note to new people: i curl :D - and i've somehow been assigned vice. O.O how the hell am i vice? O.O note to everyone: this is not my preferred position. this is actually not a position i've ever played, except a few times in emergencies. i don't think i'm a good enough curler to pull it off.

basically the vice is the second to last person on a team to throw their stones (each curler throws two). they should theoretically know what they're doing, and be able to make weird shots and ideally i'm-going-to-help-my-team-win shots. i'm not consistent enough to do either. also, because you're now standing at the far end of the ice so the skip can throw their stones (the skip is usually the person who stands at the far end and tells you where to aim your stones, and then tells the other two people on the team when to sweep to make sure the stone gets there), you should perhaps know when to yell "sweep!" at the rest of your team. which, again, not sure i know how. if nothing else i'm going to get some practice. but still. this is not what i signed up for! literally!

the local nbc affiliate sold their spot on the dial or some such thing, so now nbc has moved to a different channel, and... i don't get it. i have to call comcast and tell them to fix it, because i'm not resigning myself to half a tv season of watching shows a day late online because i can't watch them live. why you gotta mess with my tv watching, nbc? do you want to lose a lot of viewers?

i mentioned the holiday project for writing group, right? we met tonight and read all the holiday projects, and even tho mine starts with aztecs, two of the women in my writing group thought it was set in the biblical middle east. like, old testament middle east. i have no idea how i pulled off writing something that could be set in central mexico AND ancient israel at the same time, but there it is. i really liked their interpretation, to be honest. i'm always tickled when someone interprets something i wrote in a way that's both completely wrong and really cool. and the story was supposed to be vague on some details, so i didn't mind how off-base they were. (i don't know if i'm going to post it. i don't know if i'm all that satisfied with it.) (tiger, shut up.)

ugh, i need something positive. it was sunny today and i got to wear my new sunglasses. :D and there was eggnog ice cream in the soft-serve ice cream machine at work. homg. good stuff.

writing group, new job second floor, what fuckery is this, curling, primark

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