my kitchen doesn't smell like celery and onions any more, tho

Nov 06, 2016 02:53

my to-do list this morning looked like this:

tiny show

so first, i made soup! my mom's chicken soup, originally my grandma's chicken soup. i got everything together - washed the chicken pieces, trimmed some of the fat, washed and cut the veg, stuck twelve cloves in an onion (the recipe is very specific), and... discovered my big pot is too small. >:| so i ran out and bought a bigger one. (16 quart rather than 12, which might be too big and may or may not fit in my cabinet, but whatever.) it's now sitting in the fridge chilling while the fat rises to the top, so i can skim it off tomorrow and have soup for dinner. yum. the recipe says that after it's finished cooking you can throw the chicken out, but that's almost five pounds of cooked chicken and i am not tossing that. i shredded it and put it in the fridge too. not sure what i'm going to do with it, tho.

i wrote about 1700 words for nano in between random googling for 1920s outfits and what movies might be playing in the summer of 1927 and i caught up on the tiny show, which is in actuality a norwegian show called skam and dear-tiger made me watch it. it is currently completely adorable and awkward (this season's storyline revolves around a couple of high school boys very adorably and awkwardly falling in love) but it is also completely without official subtitles. getting my hands on subtitled versions of the five episodes so far was a production BUT I FIGURED IT OUT. i was very proud of myself. :D the official web site is here, if you're curious.

didn't make it to the comic shop and didn't move any bookshelves around in preparation for the new ones arriving next saturday. but i have chicken soup! which is very exciting.

wednesday i had to get a filling, and because they have tv screens in the exam rooms at the dentist's office, i got to learn that the dentist DOES NOT like donald trump. (my appointment was at six. the news was on.) i liked her, but that's not entirely why. i eventually had half a bagel for dinner but that was it because a. my teeth hurt once the anesthetic wore off, and b. i wasn't hungry. and as an aside, i can't be the only one who is totally fascinated by the giant metal and glass syringes they use to stab your gum and anesthetize your mouth, can i?

and of course i watched the end of the cubs game that night. i turned it on in the middle of the seventh inning when the cubs were up 6-3, watched until the ninth when they were tied 6-6, decided i was too stressed out, and changed the channel. (i was well aware that as tense as i was, cubs fans were wound much tighter.) i flipped back as they were clearing the field for rain, and then flipped back again just after they actually won. watching the players and the fans and reading the reactions on twitter made me all verlempt. i'm not a cubs fan - baseball isn't really my sport - but i live in boston and i watched the last game of the series in 2004 when the red sox broke their eighty-six-year-old curse, so i couldn't not root for the team that's been waiting 108 years to win. red sox fans get it. a guy drove to indiana from north carolina to listen to the game with his dad and the chicago tribune republished their front page from 1908, the last time the cubs won the series. it was just very exciting. i did feel bad for indians fans, tho. it was a close game! and they too have been waiting for a series win for a long time.

i know i already mentioned the brits of german descent who are now applying for german citizenship in the wake of brexit, but here's a better article about it. (by which i mean it's actually about these folks and not mostly about the kindertransport during ww2.)

also apparently parliament has to vote to trigger brexit, so i guess there's an outside chance it won't actually happen. probably a very slim chance, but still.

neiman marcus will sell you collard greens for $66. what the actual fuck.

a guy looking for a place to pee stumbled onto evidence of the earliest human settlement in australia. accidental archaeology! neat.

this is an interesting article about a guy who collected maps.

and a final pimp: if you remember all the random short stories i produced for therealljidol two years ago, the new season is starting! sign up here! questions, comments, cries of despair? there's a faq, natch. i'm not doing it this time, but i'm glad i did it last time, and if you think you have it in you to write something every week or every other week, i highly recommend it. and look, if i can do it, so can you. :D

brexit, wtf, cute boys in love, maps, cooking, nanowrimo, skam, world series, real lj idol, archaeology, dentist, chicago cubs

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