Sep 01, 2016 01:15

What I just finished reading:
monstress vol 1, which i enjoyed enough to add it to my pull list at the comic shop. there are A LOT of ladies - i think there are three guys total, and one of them is a cat - and i liked that. also faith: hollywood and vine (written by jody houser, drawn by francis portela and marguerite sauvage), which is another trade paperback and which i read because the guy who works at the comic shop on saturdays pimped it to me. the faith of the title is fat, a geek, and a superhero. the geek part is really cute - it's real-world geek, rather than in-comic-world geek, so she's got a darth vader figure on her bookshelf and a suspiciously gallifreyan shower curtain and refers to "the city of angels (and sometimes angelus)" and in the space of two pages says "frak", "frell", "fewmets", and "gorram it". her undercover persona is named summer (for buffy and scott) smith (for matt). i kept expecting more stealth fangirl when she's out in the world pretending to be a normal person, but no. she's cute, and the best thing is that her fat is presented totally without comment. her size is a non-thing. and i can totally support fat superheroes whose fat is the least interesting and least relevant thing about them.

also she daydreams about an in-comic-world movie star named chris somethingorother, who i'm guessing is like this world's version of chris evans. (if slightly less dorito-shaped.) and i can totally get behind that too. :D

What I am reading now:
the avengers, by rich cohen, finally. and i'm having an issue. the story is definitely interesting - jews in ww2 lithuania (where my grandpa was born) (he came to the us in like 1905, tho), in the vilna ghetto, hiding from nazis and taking up arms against their oppressors - but the writing itself is awkward and choppy and uninteresting and just not up to the task. and the author refers to one of the main characters as "a young girl" when she's NINETEEN OR TWENTY. plus the mother superior of a nearby convent, who hid zionists during the war, is referred to as "young" when you first meet her, and on the next page you learn that she's thirty-five. a sixteeen-year-old boy is a teenager, but a seventeen-year-old girl is yet another young girl. so the author has this weird, patronizing tendency to describe the girls in the story as younger than they actually were, and i am quite turned off.

on the other hand, his "in" to the story is his grandma's niece - the twenty-year-old "young girl" - and in the vilna ghetto she lives and shares a bed with her best friend (another jewish girl about her age) and the guy they're both interested in. (he sleeps in the middle.) so, you know, historical threesome. kinda.

What I'm going to read next:
not a clue. pretty deadly vol 2, probably. (written by kelly sue deconnick, drawn by emma rios. i might need to reread vol 1 to remind myself what happened and who everyone is.)

well that was a lot about comics no one else reads. >.< but for serious, if you're a comic-reading person and steampunk art deco with monsters and magic and women in charge everywhere sounds like your thing, you should check out monstress. the art is also pretty fabulous. and there's a cat. :D

welcome to the world of the zibaldone, which i don't actually think is the fourteenth century's answer to tumblr. (fewer pictures of cats and puppies and cute boys, for one thing. :D ) but they were collections of things people wanted to remember, things they saw, things they thought, and things other people said or wrote, which i guess is tumblr-ish. sometimes they even had pictures. it sounds like they got to be highly intellectual and possibly a bit pretentious, but the idea is really neat.

one of the desks in the us senate chamber has a drawer full of candy. it's on the republican side of the aisle, but candy is non-partisan and democrats take advantage of it too.

so the minnesota state fair has heads carved out of butter, right? i find this so weird and so cool. in case you were wondering what happens to the butter heads after the state fair is over, now you know.

this probably comes as no surprise to the brits in the audience, but the folks planning the uk's exit from the eu lack the staff, the expertise, and any clue as to how to do it.

brexit, not quite tumblr tho, butter, historical nifty, wednesday reading meme, government candy

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